All Night, All Day (Angels Watching Over Me)

This Gospel style hymn is based on a popular bed-time prayer for children.

Authorship of the words is sometimes credited to American Church of God minister and song-writer Otis Leon McCoy (1897-1995).   However it's not clear whether he wrote the words, or simply an arrangement of the song.


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Solo singer with guitar:

Children's choir with piano:

Soloist with piano accompaniment


All night, all day,
angels watching over me, my Lord.
All night, all day,
angels watching over me.

Now I lay me down to sleep.
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Angels watching over me.

Lord, stay with me through the night.
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Wake me with the morning light.
Angels watching over me.

ABC Notation

About ABC notation

T:All Night All Day
R:Afro-american spiritual
"G"D4 G4|"G"B4 G4|"C"E2G2 GE GE|"C"GG3 "D"(ED2)z|
w:All night, all day. An-gels watch-ing o-ver me, my Lord.*
"G"D4 G4|"G"B4 G4|"Bm"d2B2 "C"BG "D"AF|"G"G6 z2||
w:All night, all day. An-gels watch-ing o-ver me.
"G"D2E2 G2A2|"G"(BA)B2 G3 z|"C"E2G2 GE GE|"C"GG3 "D"(ED2)z|
w:Day is dy-ing in* the west. An-gels watch-ing o-ver me, my Lord.*
"G"D2E2 G2A2|"G"(BA)B2 G3 z|"Bm"d2B2 "C"BG "D"AF|"G"G6 z2|]
w:Sleep, my child, and take* your rest. An-gels watch-ing o-ver me.

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