Hosanna - Tuttle

This is a worship song, which is particularly appropriate on Palm Sunday.  Published with the title "Hosanna" it is sometimes called "Hosanna to the King of Kings" - in attempt to distinguish it from the many other gongs with the same name.

The song was written by American evangelical singer/songwriter and worship pastor, Carl Tuttle (b 1953) and originally published in 1985 by Shadow Spring Music.

Originally written for use in evangelical churches, it has crossed denominational boundaries and is regularly sung in some liturgical churches.   It has been translated into many languages, and appears to be used worldwide.

The song is set to an unnamed tune, also by Tuttle. This has a 4/4 time signature, and the performance notes in at least one published version say "lively". In the key of G, the first few notes are G G DD_  GA_ DD_ A BAGF GBA with accompanying chords G / D / Em / C.

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey - the people put down palms for his and cry Hosanna - picture from a pre 1900 bible-card - 1  Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest, Lord, we lift up your name, with our hearts full of praise, Be exalted, O Lord, my God,  Hosanna in the highest!   2  Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! Lord, we lift up your name, with our hearts full of praise,  Be exalted, O Lord our God,  Hosanna in the highest!  3  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, is the King of kings. Lord, we lift up your name, with our hearts full of praise,  Be exalted, O Lord our God, Hosanna in the highest.


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Small group with band, professional recording:

Interview and performance by the composer and band:

Palm Sunday procession, with band:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
1 Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest ...

Lord, we lift up your name, with our hearts full of praise,
Be exalted, O Lord, our God,
Hosanna in the highest!

2 Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings!

3 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, to the King of kings! (2X)

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  1. Mary

    It looks like we both blogged this song on the same day.


    1. Snap indeed! It was requested here just after Palm Sunday, and I had the post all set up and scheduled - then I noticed you'd done it too. But I guess at least it's a useful song, so the more the merrier.
