How Great is our God

This is a folk-style song praising God's greatness,  It is based on Exodus 14.

The author and composer are unknown.

The song has a simple tune and a lot of repetition in the words, making it especially suitable for children.

It is not similar to  the CCM song of the same name which has been recorded by Chris Tomlin (and many others).


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Children's group - electronic backing, professional recording

Small group with electronic backing and percussion, lyrics on-screen

Singer, self-accompanied on guitar

Instrumental, electronic organ


How great is our God! How great is His name.
How great is our God! Forever the same.

He rolled back the waters, of the mighty Red Sea
And he said, “I’ll never leave you, put your trust in Me!”

He sent his Son Jesus to set us all free.
And he said: “I’ll never leave you. put your trust in me!

He gave us his Spirit and now we can see
And he said: “I’ll never leave you. put your trust in me!

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  1. Beautiful song of which until this morning I could not find the complete lyrics. It brings fond memories from worship going to the early 1980s.

    1. Yes. 1980s
      I first heard the song from an album by the University College Hospital Christian nurses, University of Ibadan Nigeria in 1984. Tagged “24 choruses we love to sing” I think it’s in 2 vol.

      Great song‼️ Always come to mind whenever I’m overwhelmed by His doing.

      Our God is so Great. Fearful I’m praises .
      Hallelujah 🙇🏾‍♀️

  2. This chorus surfaced in the early 1980s, original key was Eb.

    You have left out the 2nd section:
    I get so thrilled with Jesus, every moment of the day
    I get so thrilled with Jesus, He's the Truth, the Life, the Way
    I get so thrilled with Jesus, He satisfies my longing soul
    I get so thrilled with Jesus, He's the One who made me whole
    (wraps back to How great is our God...)

    1. Thanks Don. Do you know if it was published anywhere? I've found the 2nd section that you mention published as a stand-alone song in a book from the early 1970s - here:

    2. I first enjoyed this faith prvoked song at my first year at University of Benin, Nigeria,by the choir of our campus fellowship the ,Christian Union in 1984. And it has since remains a memorable song for me.

  3. Please how can I have the mp3 version of this song? I have searched and searched. Please help... Many thanks.

  4. I KNE THE SONG HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD SINCE I was 5 that is 1961

    1. Wow💥 That means it’s been around for ages. 🙌🏼

  5. The lyric came to my thought in my sleep so I goggle it bravo great

  6. Wonderful Lyrics how great our god
