In Our Midst

This is a gentle folk-style hymn about the Transfiguration.   It may be based on Matthew 17, Luke 9 or Mark 9 - or a combination of all three.

The original author and composer are unknown, but probably from the Focolare community.   

The English version is slightly awkward, suggesting it is a translation, and a visitor to this blog reports that it a version of an Italian hymn, Quando Fra no sei Tu.  YouTube shows a German version, Dann wenn Du bei uns bist.

If you have any more information about the hymn, please leave a  message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.


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Singer with backing track - in German:


When You are in our midst
Everything around is different:
Through the cold winter's mist
Sunlight seems to shine around us.
The world is clothed in gold,
Clouds go and light surrounds us,
As on Mt Tabor where
Everything was transfigured.
In You and with You, in our midst.

When You are in our midst
Wisdom transforms all our being,
Changing us into You
Until we all feel renewed,
As the disciples did.
A paradise surrounds us
Heavenly music plays
And we wish to stay always
In You and with You, in our midst.

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1 comment:

  1. This song is the English version of the Italian Focolare song: QUANDO FRA NOI SEI TU

    Quando fra noi sei Tu
    tutto intorno si trasforma
    anche se inverno c'è
    sembra che risplenda il sole.
    Il fango appare d'or
    la nebbia si dilegua
    è come un Tabor che
    tutti ci trasfigura.

    Quando fra noi sei Tu
    tutto informa la Sapienza
    ci trasfigura in Te
    tutti nuovi ci sentiamo.
    Come i discepoli
    ci avvolge il Paradiso
    celeste musica
    e noi vogliam restare
    sempre in Te
    e con Te fra noi.

    Oh, oh, oh …
