The author of the English translation is unknow. A version of it is included the Parochial Hymn Book published in Boston in 1897. There are various verses in common use, including a New Zealand adaptation, Immaculate Mother, in which the first verse refers to "our isles of the sea". It is also very similar to The Bells of the Angelus.
It is set to the traditional tune from the Pyrenean area of France, now known simply as the LOURDES HYMN, the composer is unknown.
Note: Care must be taken when using this hymn with groups from different places: there are several ways to fit the words to the tune and some timing variations in the chorus. None of these are "more correct", but people can be attached to the one they are familiar with.
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A Spanish-language version, which gives a good sense of the tune
Small group, with piano accompaniment:
Acapella, solo singer
Immaculate MaryWe praise God in you
His power and His mercy,
His grace given to you,
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Maria.
Immaculate Mary,
Your praises we sing,
You reign now in heaven,
With Jesus our king
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Maria.
Your child is the Saviour,
All hope lies in Him
He gives us new life
And redeems us from sin.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Maria.
Through you to your Son,
lead us, Mary we pray.
Through Christ to the Father
Is our only way.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Maria.
In heaven, the blessed,
Your glory proclaim.
On earth, we your children,
Invoke your fair name.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Maria.
That's Spanish, not French.