The English translation was made by Bernard Latrobe (1725 - 1786). It was published in "Hymns of faith and life : including psalms, canticles, and anthems", which was collated by Rev. John Hunter, D.D. and published London in 1904 - and in various other hymnals from that time.
With meter of 87 87 87, the tune that it was originally set to is unknown. A work published in 1989 by InternationAL Liturgy Publications sets it to a tune called THY MERCY FREE by Stacy Whitfield (b 1956).
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Out of the depths we cry to thee.Lord, hear us, we implore thee.
Bend down thy gracious ear to us.
Let our prayer come before thee!
On our misdeeds in mercy look.
O deign to blot them from thy book,
And let us come before thee.
So let thy people hope in thee,
And they shall find thy mercy free,
And thy redemption plenteous.
Thy sov'reign grace and boundless love
Show thee, O lord forgiving.
Our purest thoughts and deeds but prove
Sin in our heart is living.
None guiltless in thy sight appear.
All who approach thy throne must fear,
And humbly trust thy mercy.
Thou canst be merciful while just.
This is our hope's foundation.
In thy redeeming grace we trust.
O grant us thy salvation.
Upheld by thee we stand secure.
Thy word is firm, thy promise sure,
And we rely upon thee.
Like those who watch for midnight's hour
To hail the dawning morrow,
We wait for thee, we trust thy pow'r,
Unmoved by doubt or sorrow.
So let thy people hope in thee,
And they shall find thy mercy free,
And thy redemption plenteous.
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