A Íosa, Glan mo Chroíse

This is an Irish language hymn for Advent. The source is unknown. As a prayer, it was traditionally recited before reading the Gospel.


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Small ensemble, professional recording with strings accompaniment:

Boys choir with organ, professional recording:


A Íosa, glan mo chroíse
Go gléghlan gach lá,
 A Íosa, cuir m’intinn
Faoi léirsmacht do ghrá.

 Déan mo smaointe go fíorghlan agus briathra mo bhéil,
 Is a Thiarna, ’Dhia dhílis,
Stiúraigh choíche mo shaol.


Jesus, cleanse my heart each day and make it spotless Jesus, rule my mind by the power of your love. Make truly clean my thoughts and the words of my mouth, and, dear Lord God, direct my life now and forever.

ABC Notation:

Ref:  What is ABC notation
X:1 T:A Íosa glan mo Chroíse M:3/4 L:1/8 A:Unknown C:Unknown O:Ireland Z:abc-transcription www.GodSongs.net , K:G DE| G2G2 GB| A2 G2 (3GAB | w:1~~~A_ Ío-sa, glan mo chroí-se Go__ w:2~~~Déan mo smaoin-te go_ fíor-ghlan agus__ c2c2 BG| A4 "^,"yyy Bc d2d2 BG| w:1~~~glé-ghlan gach_ lá: A_ Ío-sa, cuir_ w:2~~~briath-ra mo_ bhéil, 'S~a_ Thiar-na, ’Dhi-a AB G2 GE | DE G2G2 | G4|] w:1~~~m’in_tinn faoi_ léir_smacht do ghrá. w:2~~~dhíl_is, Stiúr-aigh choí_che mo shaol.

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