Thou Art The Star of Morning / O Plena Gratia

This is a hymn about Mary, for the feast of the Assumption.

It was written by American Roman Catholic religious sister, teacher, theologian and poet Helen Condon RSCJ (1921-2006) - ref), and first published in a collection of Marian hymns in 1951.  It was later included in the Pius X Hymnal (1953) where it was set to a traditional French tune, Je Sais, Vierge Maria.   It is also, reportedly in the, now out-of-print, book Hymns, Psalms & Spiritual Canticles edited by Theodore Marier.


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Choir, unaccompanied:

Choir, unaccompanied:

Original French song:

Instrumental - piano - with sheet music on-screen:

Instrumental - organ:


1  Thou art the righteous Star of Morning in God's broad sky,
Thou art his tower of ivory, raised up on high.

Hail, Heaven's Queen!
O lux caelestia!  (O heavenly light)
Thou giver of all gladness,
O plena gratia!   (O full of grace)

2  Thou art the Maid and Mother, long foretold,
In thee all beauty dwelleth, O House of Gold!

3  Thou art the shining mirror of God's fair love,
The mighty Help of Christians enthroned above.

4  All shall rise to bless thee the ages long.
And angel choirs surround thee with praise and song.

See also

Thou art the righteous Star of Morning in God's broad sky,
Thou art his tower of ivory, raised up on high.
Hail, Heaven's Queen!
O lux caelestia!
Thou giver of all gladness,
O plena gratia!

Thou art the Maid and Mother, long foretold,
In thee all beauty dwelleth,
O House of Gold!
Hail, Heaven's Queen!
O lux caelestia!
Thou giver of all gladness,
O plena gratia!

Thou art the shining mirror of God's fair love,
The mighty Help of Christians enthroned above.
Hail, Heaven's Queen!
O lux caelestia!
Thou giver of all gladness,
O plena gratia!

All shall rise to bless thee the ages long.
And angel choirs surround thee with praise and song.
Hail, Heaven's Queen!
O lux caelestia!
Thou giver of all gladness,
O plena gratia!

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