O Come to the Throne of Grace

This hymn was originally dedicated to Mary as seen at Fatima  in 1917.   

The words are, attributed to Mother J Sweetman, RSCJ and were  written at some time before 1954.

Later it was adapted as "O Lady of Nigeria" "O Queen of Apostles" and "Queen of the Rosary".    Due to these changes in focus, some verses may no longer be appropriate in some places.

PowerPoint slides and simple sheet-music for each option are given below:  the music is set in E, which is a little lower that some of the available recordings, but makes the tune more attainable for most average singers.

The Holy Ghost Hymnal attributes the tune/arrangement to "the editor" - but does not clarify whether this is the editor of the first or second edition.


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"Lady of Fatima" version

"Lady of Nigeria" version

"Queen of the Rosary" version


Singer with keyboard-led band backing

Singer with guitar-led backing band track, and on-screen lyrics:

Singer, unaccompanied:

Singer with acoustic guitar - words and guitar chords on-line:

Virtual choir with orchestral instruments:

Singer and choir with orchestral / band backing - professional recording:

Instrumental - band with flute-voice lead:

Instrumental - piano:


O come to the throne of grace,
O come to the heart most pure!
To Mary, our hope of life,
In whom salvation is sure.

O Lady of Fatima, hail!
Immaculate Mother of grace;
O, pray for us, help us today,
Thou hope of the human race!

Alternative first lines for the chorus:
  • Queen of the Rosary, hail
  • O Lady of Nigeria, hail!

Immaculate Heart! we kneel
To consecrate all to thee:
The present, its pain and joy
The future, all it may be.

The sun at thy royal word
Spun round like a splendid toy;
The rose petals showering down
Proclaimed thee cause of our joy.

The Rosary, white and gold,
We take from thy Virgin hand;
A pledge of the power of God
To heal and strengthen our land.

O Mother of Sorrows, hail!
We mourn for our evil done;
O soften our selfish hearts,
And lead us back to thy Son.

O Mother of priests in need,
For thine assistance we pray;
Thy graces flow: sweet the seed
Of Saints, thy Son to obey.

O Mother of all mankind,
Lead Russia back home again,
That over a peaceful world
Thy heart may graciously reign.

ABC Notation

Ref:  What is ABC

T:O Come to the Throne of Grace
T:O Lady of (Fatima / Nigeria), Queen of the Rosary
G | "E" G3/2 F/2 G E2 F | G3-G2 G | "A" A3/2 B/2 A "E" G2 E |
w:1~~~O come to the throne of grace,_ O come to the heart most
w:2~~~Im-ma-cu-late Heart we kneel,_ to con-se-crate all to
w:3~~~The Ro-sa-ry, white and gold,_ we take from thy Vir-gin
"B7" F3-F2 B | "E" B3/2 c/2 B G2 B | "E7" E3-E2 G | "F#"F2 D E3/2 D/2 C |
w:1~~~pure!_ To Ma-ry, our hope of life,_ in whom sal-va-tion is
w:2~~~thee:_ The pre-sent, its pain and joy,_ the fut-ure, all it may
w:3~~~hand:_ A pledge of the power of God_ to heal and strength-en our
"B" B,3-B,2 "E" B | B3/2 c/2 B A G F | G3-G2 E | "A" A3/2 B/2 A "E" G A B|
w:1~~~sure._ O Queen of the Ro-sa-ry, hail!_ Im-mac-u-late Mo-ther of
"B7" F3-F2 F | "E" G3/2 E/2 F G A B | "A" c3-c2 c | "E" B3/2 A/2 G "B7"G2 F | "E" E3-E2 z|
w:grace;_ O, pray for us, help us to-day,_ thou hope of the hu-man race!

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  1. I really love this song so much. I say it after my prayers everyday.

  2. I get inspired when the sang this song in church, thank you Jesus.

  3. Pls can someone help with the solfa note pls

  4. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, intercede for our needs.

  5. is this copyrighted? can it be recorded and sold without permission?

    1. I'm not sure: it depends on what country you are in (ie what laws apply to you) and (in most countries) when Mother Sweetmn died - which is unknown. Sorry I can't be more help.

  6. So lovely
    One of my most beloved song

  7. This is my best song when ever I sing it my prayer request are been answered
