Most sources say that this translation was made in 1920 or 1921 by English organist and playwright Edith Margaret Gellibrand Reed (1885-1933).
With meter, it is set to a traditional Polish mazurka tune, W ZLOBIE LEZY - composer unknown.
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Contemporary setting - solo male singer with rhythm and guitar backing
Male voice choir, with very light organ support
Unaccompanied trio with barbershop-style close harmonies
Infant holy, infant lowly, for His bed a cattle stall;Oxen lowing, little knowing, Christ the babe is Lord of all.
Swift are winging angels singing, noëls ringing, tidings bringing:
Christ the babe is Lord of all, Christ the babe is Lord of all.
Flocks were sleeping, shepherds keeping vigil till the morning new
Saw the glory, heard the story, tidings of a Gospel true.
Thus rejoicing, free from sorrow, praises voicing, greet the morrow:
Christ the babe was born for you, Christ the babe was born for you.
ABC Notation
T:Infant Holy Infant Lowly
D/2D/2 |"G"G G F/2G/2 | "D"A A "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D7"B/2A/2 | "G"G2 D/2D/2 |
w:1~~~In-fant ho-ly, in-fant low-ly, for His bed a cat-tle stall; Ox-en
w:2~~~Flocks were sleep-ing, sheph-erds keep-ing vig-il till the morn-ing new. Saw the
G G "D"F/2G/2 | A A "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D7"B/2A/2 | "G"G2 G/2F/2 |
w:1~~~low-ing, li-ttle know-ing, Christ the Babe is Lord of all. Swift are
w:2~~~glo-ry, heard the sto-ry, tid-ings of a Gos-pel true. Thus re-
"C"E E "Am"A/2G/2 | "D"F F "B"B/2A/2 | "Em"G G "C"c/2B/2 | "D"A A "D7"B/2c/2 |
w:1~~~wing-ing ang-els sing-ing, no-els ring-ing, tidi-ngs bring-ing: Christ the
w:2~~~joicing, free from sorrow, praises voicing, greet the morrow: Christ the
"G"d "C"c "D7"c/2B/2 | "G"G2 "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D"c/2B/2 | "G"G2 z2 |]
w:1~~~Babe is Lord of all, Christ the Babe is Lord of all.
w:2~~~babe was born for you, Christ the babe was born for you.
T:Infant Holy Infant Lowly
D/2D/2 |"G"G G F/2G/2 | "D"A A "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D7"B/2A/2 | "G"G2 D/2D/2 |
w:1~~~In-fant ho-ly, in-fant low-ly, for His bed a cat-tle stall; Ox-en
w:2~~~Flocks were sleep-ing, sheph-erds keep-ing vig-il till the morn-ing new. Saw the
G G "D"F/2G/2 | A A "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D7"B/2A/2 | "G"G2 G/2F/2 |
w:1~~~low-ing, li-ttle know-ing, Christ the Babe is Lord of all. Swift are
w:2~~~glo-ry, heard the sto-ry, tid-ings of a Gos-pel true. Thus re-
"C"E E "Am"A/2G/2 | "D"F F "B"B/2A/2 | "Em"G G "C"c/2B/2 | "D"A A "D7"B/2c/2 |
w:1~~~wing-ing ang-els sing-ing, no-els ring-ing, tidi-ngs bring-ing: Christ the
w:2~~~joicing, free from sorrow, praises voicing, greet the morrow: Christ the
"G"d "C"c "D7"c/2B/2 | "G"G2 "D7"B/2c/2 | "G"d "C"c "D"c/2B/2 | "G"G2 z2 |]
w:1~~~Babe is Lord of all, Christ the Babe is Lord of all.
w:2~~~babe was born for you, Christ the babe was born for you.
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