It was inspired by the original Catholic Hymn Book from Nigeria, and makes as much of the content as possible available in an on-line, downloadable format as well as in newly-released paperback.
It includes hymn suggestion lists, and author / copyright information that was not available in the original book.
It is available in two formats:
Section One: Mass parts and seasonal list
Includes the Mass-part and seasonal hymn suggestions from the original book - covering Entrance, Offertory, Communion and Recessional hymns, and Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost.Section Two Complete hymn listing
Lists all hymns included in the Nigerian Catholic Hymn Book, and additional information not available in the original, including the author and the current copyright status.
Section Three Words of public domain hymns
Includes words for all hymns from the original book which are copyright-free and so can be freely reproduced in Western countries. This includes more than 75% of the hymns in the original book.
Hymns which are included
This is a list of all hymns which are included in the downloadable version - please note that this is a words-only edition.See the original Nigerian Catholic Hymn Book for links to individual songs and hymns.
Abide with Me
Accept Almighty Father
Adeste Fideles
Adoramus and Laudate
Adoremus in aeternum
Adoro te Devote
All Glory Praise and Honour
All Good Gifts
All my Life
All People that on Earth Do Dwell
All to Jesus I surrender,
All You Who Seek a Comfort Sure
Alleluia Praise the Lord
Amazing Grace
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels we Have Heard on High
Anima Christi
Are you Washed
Arise and Shine
As the Dewy Shades of Even
As with Gladness Men of Old
As your Family Lord
At the Lamb's High Feast we Sing
Attende Domine
Ave Maria O Maiden O Mother
Ave Maria Stella
Ave Regina Caelorium
Ave Verum Corpus natum
Away in Manger
Beautiful Saviour King of Creation
Bethlehem of Noblest Cities
Blessed Assurance
Blessed be God, Amen
Blessed is he who delights in the law of the Lord
Blessed Lamb on Calvary's Mountain
Blessed Saviour Thee I Love
Blessed St Joseph
Bring them in From the Fields of Sin
Bring to the Lord your offerings,
Bringing in the Sheaves
Canticle of the Three Children
Children in Thy Presence Met
Children of Mary
Christ Arose
Christ be With Me, Christ Within Me
Christ our God and brother
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Christmas Comes to Bless
Come God's Children
Come Holy Spirit Creator Come
Come Praise the Lord
Come Rock the Cradle for Him
Come Sound his Praise Abroad
Come Thou Almighty King
Come Thou Long Expected Saviour
Come to Me Beloved
Coming of our God, The
Crown him with Many Crowns
Daily Daily Sing to Mary
Day is Dying in the West
Dear Angel Ever at my Side
Dear Children Praise the Lord in All
Earth O Lord Rejoices, The
Ecce Panis Angelorum
Fade Fade each Earthly Joy
Fading Still Fading
Faith of our Fathers
Father Within Thy House Today
Fields full of flowers (posies) and woods full of pine
Fight the Good Fight
Firmly I Believe and Truly
First Nowell, The
From Every Stormy Wind that Blows
Full in the Panting Heart of Rome
Future lies before me, The
Glory be to Jesus
Glory be to the Father
Glory to God, Glory!
Go Tell it on the Mountain
God Almighty
God be With You Till we Meet Again
God of Mercy and Compassion
God our Father Everlasting
God our Father Forgive Our Sin
God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen
Good Christian Men Rejoice
Greet we this Mystery
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer
Hail Holy Joseph Hail
Hail Jesus Hail
Hail O Mary Full of Grace
Hail Queen of Heaven
Hail Queen of the Heavens
Hail this Joyful Day's Return
Hail Thou Star of Ocean
Happy Indeed is the Man
Hark a Herald Voice is Sounding
Hark Hark my Soul Angelic Songs are Swelling
Hark Hark the Angels Singing
Hark how the Banks of Jordan Ring
Hark My Soul How Everything
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Hark! ’tis the Shepherd’s voice I hear
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
He sendeth the sunshine and rain,
Hear O thou Bounteous Maker
Hear thy Children Gentle Jesus
Hear us O Lord
Help Lord the Souls
Hibernia's champion saint all hail,
His Bountiful Care
His Yoke is Easy
Ho! my comrades, see the signal,
Hold the Fort
Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Holy Queen we bend Before Thee
Holy Spirit Lord of Light (Veni Sancta Spiritus)
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna
How Excellent
Humbly we adore Thee
I Come to Thee
I Need you Every Hour
I Surrender All
I was Glad
I will Seek and Find you Now
I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary
Immaculate Mary
In Christ there is no East or West
In Your Body Lord
It is Well with my Soul
Jerusalem my Happy Home
Jesu Dulcis Memoria
Jesus Eternal Truth Sublime
Jesus for Me
Jesus Gentlest Saviour
Jesus is God
Jesus my God Behold at Length the Day
Jesus my Lord my God my All
Jesus my Lord, to Thee I cry:
Jesus Thou art Coming
Jesus, my Saviour, is all things to me;
Joy of the Lord our Rampart and Power, The
Joy to the World
Joy-bells Ringing
Just for Today
Keep Step with the Master
King high exalted, all the world's Redeemer
King of Glory King of Peace
Lauda Sion Salvatorem
Lead Kindly Light
Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let thy Priest O Lord
Let us all Come and Bow
Let us Break Bread Together on our Knees
Little King so Fair and Sweet
Lord Dismiss
Lord God Almighty
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
Loving Shepherd of thy Sheep
Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Saviour
Magnify and Glorify
Man of Sorrows Wrapt of Grief
Mary Had a Baby
Mary Let Perpetual Succour
Most Ancient of all Mysteries
Must I Go and Empty Handed
My God Accept my Heart This Day
My God How Wonderful Thou Art
My God I Love Thee
My God Loves Me
My Times are in Your Hand
Nearer my God to Thee
Now Thank we all our God
Now that the Day Star Glimmers
Now the Day is Over
O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord
O blessed St Joseph how great was thy worth
O Bread of Heaven
O brothers of Christ Jesus come,
O Come all ye Faithful
O Come and Mourn with me Awhile
O Come thou Wisdom Whose Decree
O Come to the Throne of Grace
O come we are waiting,
O Esca Viatorum
O Food of Angels Now Food for Men
O Give the Lord
O God of Earth and Altar
O God of Love O King of Peace
O God our Help in Ages Past
O God you are my Strength
O Godhead Hid Devoutly I Adore Thee
O Happy Day that Fixed my Choice
O Jesus Christ Remember
O listen to our wondrous story,
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Lord I am not Worthy
O Maid Conceived without a Stain
O Paradise, O Paradise
O Perfect Love
O Purest of Creatures
O Sacred Heart
O Salutorus Hostia
O Sanctissma
O Sing a New Song to the Lord
O Sing Praises
Of how much more value are you than these
Oh, I often sit and ponder,
Once in Royal David's City
Once More my Soul
One thought only have we
Open your Hearts
Our Father (Caribbean)
Our Lord is Risen from the Dead
Pange Lingua Gloriosi
Parce Domine
Pass me not O Gentle Savour
Praise God of Abraham
Praise Him When the Sun Goes Down
Praise my Soul
Praise the Holy of Holies
Praise the Lord in Heaven
Praise the Lord you Heavens
Praise to the Holiest in the Height
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Praise we our God with Joy
Precious Promise
Queen of Heaven Rejoice
Revive us Again
Rock of Ages
Saint Patrick
Salve Mater Misericordiae
Salve Regina
See Amid the Winter's Snow
See the Church
See the Paraclete Descending
Seeking Heaven Alone
Silent Night
Sing to God all People
Sleep Holy Babe
Song of Trust
Soul of my Saviour
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
Stand up and Sing to the Lord
Stand up Stand Up for Jesus
Standing on the Promises of Christ my King
Sweet Heart of Jesus
Sweet Sacrament Divine
Sweet Saviour Bless us 'Ere we Go
Take me as I Am
Tangum Ergo
Taste and see that the Lord is Good
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
The Lord's my Shepherd
There is a Home Eternal
There's a Call Comes Ringing
Thy Kingdom Come
To Christ the Prince of Peace
To Jesus' Heart all Burning
To Thee O Heart of Jesus
To Win my Heart
Today He's Risen From the Dead
Trust and Obey
Unto Us is Born a Son
Veni Creator Spiritus
Veni Jesu Amor Mi
Vexilla Regis
We are Going With Jesus
We Bring our Gifts Lord
We Fly to Thy Protection
We Long to See Thee So
We Offer Thee the Holy Mass
We Offer you O Father Above
We plough the fields and scatter
We praise Thee, O God!
We Stand for God
We Three Kings
What a Blessed Hope is Mine
What a Friend we have in Jesus
What Did He Do
What Happiness
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word
While Shepherd Watched their Flocks by Night
Whosoever heareth,” shout, shout the sound!
Whosoever Will
Would we be Joyful in the Lord
Ye Sons and Daughters
Yes Heaven is the Prize
You are my People
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