Song and hymn requests newsletter - October

Monthly newsletters were a little too difficult during the northern-hemisphere summer, so this is a bumper Autumn edition including requests from August through to most of the way through October.

This is always an interesting time of year: the church's version of  Halloween (All Saints Day and All Soul's Day) sparks a lot of interest in hymns, as do some of the feasts and festivals which fall during October, eg the feast of Thérèse of Lisieux and and the Harvest Festival.

Looking ahead, Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas are very close - and there are many, many popular hymns and songs for each of those seasons.

Hymn and song research requests August to October 2016 

These are the song and hymn requests which were received during August-October, plus a few earlier ones which were caught-up-with from earlier in the year.

10 Commandment for children

Information about this children's teaching song is available here.

A Iosa Fuair tu Bas

Some information about this Irish-language acclamation is available here. However it's not possible to identify exactly which tune is required.

All of my Life I will Praise the Living God

Information about this song is available here.

All to Jesus I Surrender

Information about this song is now available here.

And Can it Be

Information about this hymn by Charles Wesley is available here. also has sheet music for it, in a variety of different keys.

Blessed Saviour we Adore Thee

Information about this hymn, usually called Glorious is Thy Name, is now available here.

Bring them to the Lord

This request for a hymn called "Bring them to the Lord" was made in 2015 by someone who heard it in Nigeria. It included one phrase from the hymn "I will bring my gift to the Lord! I will offer." I haven't found any hymn which is an exact match - but one possibility is Sir Jude Nnan's In Thanksgiving and Love, which contains some very similar phrases.

Come to me Lord

This request just included the title "Come to me Lord". Google suggests a number of different hymns starting with this phrase. One is this one by John Moloney, which was published in the Veritas hymnal. If that's not the right one, then please submit another request with some more details, so I can track down the correct song.

Daughters of Providence High

This request was from somone looking for a school song, written by Fr Daniel A Lord, SJ, which they sang in the 1950s. The words of the song are available here.   However I have not been able to find and any examples or any information about the tune.

Dia ar Lámh Liom

This is the Irish translation of Liam Lawton's song "The Cloud's Veil". It has been added to the list for future research.

Do You Really Love Me

Information about this song by Carey Landry is available here.

Eagles Wings - Andersen

Information about this hymn by Australian Fr Frank Andersen is available here.

Everything I Possess

Information about this song by Australian Fr Frank Andersen is available here.

Gentle as Silence

An information page for this song is now available here.

Gifts of Bread and Wine

Information about this hymn by Christine McCann is available here.

Go the Mass is Ended

An information page for this song is now available here.

Go You're Sent Forth, You Shall be my Witnesses

A person from India requested this song. They say that the words include:
send us lord, send us lord to all the sick
send us lord, send us lord to those in distress

however I haven't been able to find the hymn. If you have any information about it, eg the name of the composer or a YouTube link, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

God's Spirit is in my Heart

Someone from Australia left a request because they are trying to find sheet music for this song - or at least the melody line. Unfortunately it doesn't look like any of the publishers who sell single-item sheet music include it in their catalogs. The only real option is to buy a hymnal (eg Hymns Old and New - Catholic 2009) which includes it - sometimes 2nd hand copies of these are available on Amazon and similar sites.

Hail the Cross of Jesus

Information about this hymn by Caroline M. Noel is now available here.

Hold the Fort

Information about this hymn from the American Civil War era is available here.

Hymn to St Thérèse

Some information about this hymn about St Thérèse of Lisieux is available here. If you know anything more about it (eg who wrote t, where sheet music is available from), please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.

I am the Vine - Talbot

This request was from someone who was looking for sheet music for John Michael Talbot's setting of the text - in time for a funeral the next day. I had a quick look, but wasn't able to identify any on-line (ie immediate donwload) ways to purchase it.   The song has been added to the list for future research.

I can do All Things

Based on Philippians 4:11, this song has been added to the list for future research.

I Danced in the Morning

Information about this hymn by English writer, Sydney Carter is now available here.

In God Alone

Information about this recent hymn by Bernadette Farrell is now available here.

Jesus Lord

Unfortunately this request only included the title "Jesus Lord". Without more information, it's not possible to identify the hymn.


Jesus Lord I'll Sing A Song

This song by Breige O'Hare was requested by two different people who heard it in church in Ireland in May 2015. It has been difficult to find any more information about it, beyond that it is included in one in-print hymnal from England. The information that has been found is now available here.

John XV

Information about this hymn by Enrico Gazilli is now available here.

Just to Think of the Cross

Information about this song by Ralph Carmichael, from the musical Natural High, is now available here.

Kyrie Eleison

The person who heard this setting of the Kyrie Eleison heard it in Medjugorie. Unfortunately they don't have any more information about it, so I cannot identify which particular version it is.

Leave it in the Hands of the Lord

An information page for this song is now available here.

Like Olive Branches

The person who requested this song remembers hearing it in a church in the USA in 1968. Today, information about is is available here.

Little Flower of Carmel, Saint of our own day

Some information about this hymn is available here - unfortunately I still haven't been able to find out the tune that it is sung to.

Looking at the Sunrise

This hymn was written by Caribbean composer Ronald Gokool.   CCLI lists the copyright owner as McCrimmon Publishing Company, but the song doesn't seem to be in any of their currently in-print books. The publication date is unknown, but a reader reports having sung it in a Catholic church in Trinidad and Tobago during the 1980s. The lyrics provided by CCLI are:
Looking at the sunrise
Heralding the dawn
List'ning to the birds sing
Hearing ev'ry sound
I'm at peace with nature
Because I suppose
All my cares and troubles
Are resting with the Lord

It's not clear if this is the entire song, or just a selection from it. If you have any more information about it, or about Robert Gokool, please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.

Lord Send out Your Spirit - Zsigray

This psalm-setting by American writer Joe Zsigray has been added to the list for future research.

Master Designer

The person who requested this song by Kurt Kaiser remembers performing it in the USA in the 1970s. It's been added to the list to be researched in future.

Mother of Help Perpetual Succour

I haven't been able to find any hymn with the exact title requested. But there are a number of hymns about Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help which have been added recently. If the one you are looking for is not listed, please try requesting and provide more of the words from the one you want.

My Lord is With Me all the Time

This request is mostly likely for an American Baptist hymn, God is Near me all the Time, first published in 1960.

My Lord my Master My God my Saviour

Information about this hymn by Kevin Mayhew is now available here.

O Virgin Mother

Information about this hymn about Mary under the title Mother of Good Counsel is available here.

On Your Marks, Get Set

This request is for a song which was sung at vacation Biblle school in the 1950s. Several songs with similar themes have been found, but none with the exact words which were provided. If you have any information about it, please leave a message in the comments box at the bottom of the page.
Never falter, never fail
On your mark get set,
Run the race of life and
Be champions for Christ

Praise the Lord

Thsi request says that the hym includes the words:
"hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
all for the almighty Lord speak to me"

Unfortunately I haven't been able to identify which hymn is's from. If you have any information about it, please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.

Shepherd Song - Sexton

This setting of Psalm 23 by Irish composer, Bernard Sexton, is described here. I was delighted to get this request for it:  The words were in a file I had received some time ago, but until now were marked as "author unknown".

Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus

Information about this hymn, also know as When we all get to Heaven, is available here.

Star of the Sea

This request only included the phrase "Star of the sea" - and from this I cannot tell which particular hymn about Mary they are looking for. Options include Hail O Purest of Creatures - and many other translations of the Latin Ave Maris Stellis.

Stay with us Lord we Pray You

If you are looking for sheet music of this hymn, then the best source of this is probably the Vertias Hymnal.

The Apostles

This request only included the title. Possibly you were looking for the Twelve Disciples song?  If not, then try again, giving some more details about the song.

The Bells of the Angelus

Information about this hymn, also known as Bernadette's Song, is available here.

The King of Love my Shepherd Is

Information about this hymn based on Psalm 23 is available here.

The Rain Came Knocking on the Window Pane

Information about this children's song is now available here.

Walk in the Light - in Irish

Someone is looking for the Damian Lundy song "Walk in the Light" in Irish. I haven't been able to find it published anywhere - if you can suggest a source, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of this page.

We can see where your face is in the whole human race

The person who is looking for this hymn was only able to provide the phrase ""We can see where your face is in the whole human race"" - and I've not been able to find any published hymn which is like this.

If you have any thoughts about what the hymn might be, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

We Gather Together

This request may be for the Dutch hymn We Gather Together to ask the Lord's Blessing - or for a variation on it.

Who is this Cometh over the Mountains

This hymn was requested by an therapist, on behalf of an elderly nun who learned it in the mid 1900s but has now lost her hymn books. Unfortunately I was not able to locate it. If you have any information about it, please leave a message in the section labelled Comments near the bottom of the page.

Yours as we Stand

This request was from someone who heard the song at school in India. Most likely it is for Joe Wise's hymn Take our Bread - but if that's not the right one, then please request it again with some more details, and I will search again.

Don't see your request?

Every month, there are a number of requests which just don't have enough information to track down the intended hymn or song. If you made a request but don't see it listed here, then you might like to try again. this time, including some phrases that aren't likely to be included in other hymns.

Getting updates about requested songs and hymns

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Are you looking for a hymn or song?

Are you searching for the words or sheet music for a particular song or hymn - especially from the last 50 or so years?

The Hymn Finder tool is your first port of call.   It is a customized search tool, which lets you search for any words from the hymn - and looks for them in a set of websites that are known to contain hymns.    This means that you get results which are hymns - instead of sermons and newsletters which just contain snippets, or pages about totally different topics which just happen to contain those words.

If this doesn't help, then submit a request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's newsletter.

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