O God Almighty Father (Creator of all things)

This is a  hymn about the Trinity, which is based on a German-language work by John Rothensteiner (d 1434).  An alternative title is "Praise the Holy Trinity".

The words were translated by American Roman Catholic Capuchin monk Irvin Udulutsch, OFM, Cap. (1920–2010)

 It was first published in "Our Parish Prays and Sings: Dialog Mass, Hymns, Chants" released by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota in 1959, and is widely known among American Catholics, and also in other English-speaking countries.

With meter 76 76 with refrain, it is almost always set to the tune GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN from Limburg Gesangbuch (1838), although Fr. J. Roel Lungay did release an alternative setting in 1997 (see the video below).

O God Almighty Father, Creator of all things, The Heavens stand in wonder, While earth Thy glory sings. Chorus:  O most Holy Trinity, Undivided Unity; Holy God, Mighty God, God Immortal, be adored. 2 O Jesus, Word Incarnate, Redeemer most adored, All Glory, praise and honour, Be Thine, our Sov'reign Lord. 3  O God, the Holy Spirit, Who lives within our souls, Send forth Thy light and lead us To our eternal goal.


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Cantor and congregation with organ:

Solo singer, unaccompanied:

Choir, unaccompanied, professional recording:

Choir with organ, professional recording:

Backing track and lead singer - alternative tune by Fr. J. Roel Lungay, 1997

Quartet with light organ backing:

Instrumental - piano:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website.

The hymn has four verses, each four lines long, and a fourline chorus which is repeated after each verse. A rough outline is:
1 O God Almighty Father ...

O most Holy Trinity,
Undivided Unity;
Holy God, Mighty God,
God Immortal, be adored.

2 O Jesus, Word Incarnate,

3 O God, the Holy Spirit ...

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O God Almighty Father,
Creator of all things,
The Heavens stand in wonder,
While earth Thy glory sings.

O most Holy Trinity,
Undivided Unity;
Holy God, Mighty God,
God Immortal, be adored.

2. O Jesus, Word Incarnate,
Redeemer most adored,
All Glory, praise and honor,
Be Thine, our Sov'reign Lord.

3. O God, the Holy Spirit,
Who lives within our souls,
Send forth Thy light and lead us
To our eternal goal.

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