Shepherd of Souls (refresh and bless)

This Eucharistic hymn, which uses images from the book of Exodus, was first published in A Collection of Hymns (Philadelphia), 1832.

The author of verses 1-3 of this hymn is unknown (possibly American Moravian), while verses 4-5 were written by English newspaper-editor, poet and hymn-writer James Montgomery (1771-1854).

With meter, tunes it is set to include:
  • ST AGNES by John Bacchus Dykes (1866) - by far the most commonly used tune for the text
  • DUNDEE from Andro Hart's Psalter (1615)
  • WINDSOR from Damon's Psalter, 1591


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Lead singer and congregation, guitar accompaniment:

Choir and congregation - with organ:

Instrumental - piano:


Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Thy chosen pilgrim flock,
With manna in the wilderness,
With water from the rock.

Hungry and thirsty, faint and weak,
As You when here below,
Our souls the joys celestial seek
Which from Your sorrows flow.

We would not live by bread alone,
But by that word of grace,
In strength of which we travel on
To our abiding place.

Be known to us in breaking bread,
But do not then depart;
Saviour, abide with us, and spread
Your table in our heart.

Lord, sup with us in love divine;
Your body and Your blood,
That living bread, that heavenly wine,
Be our immortal food.

ABC Notation

About ABC notation

T:Shepherd of Souls
C:verses 1-3 unknown
C:verses 4-5 James Montgomery (1771-1854)
C:Tune: John Bacchus Dykes (1866)
"G"BBB | "Am"A2 B | c2 "D"F | "G"G3 | "D"D D D | "G"B2 "A7"A | "D"A3 |
w:1~~~Shep-herd of souls, re-fresh and bless Your cho-sen pil-grim flock,
w:2~~~Hun-gry and thirs-ty, faint and weak, as You when here be-low,
w:3~~~We would not live by bread a-lone, but by that word of grace,
w:4~~~Be known to us in break-ing bread, but do not then de-part;
w:5~~~Lord, sup with us in love di-vine; Your bo-dy and Your blood,
"Am"cc "E7"B |"Am" A2 G | "D"F2 E | D3 | "G"D "C"E G | "G"B2 "D"A | "G"G3 |]
w:1~~~With man-na in the wil-der-ness, with wa-ter from the rock.
w:2~~~Our souls the joys ce-les-tial seek, which from Your sor-rows flow.
w:3~~~In strength of which we tra-vel on to our a-bid-ing place.
w:4~~~Sav-iour, a-bide with us, and spread Your ta-ble in our heart.
w:5~~~That liv-ing bread, that heaven-ly wine, be our im-mor-tal food.

See also 

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