You have Called Us (out of darkness) - DeShazo / Nystrom

This is a contemporary-Christian-music style song about vocation and responding to God's call. 

The song was written by American worship leader and song-writers Lynn DeShazo and Martin Nystrom (b 1956).   It was first released in 1990 by Integrity! Music.  

It has since been recorded by artists including signer/songwriter Graham Kendrick - and some people incorrectly attribute the song him, because of this recording.

The song was included in Songbook 5 (Praise and Worship) published by Hosanna! Music in 1991.  So far, no other sources of sheet music have been located.

People walking from dark forest into the light

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Praise band version, professionally recording:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website.
You have called us out of darkness,
Out of darkness into Your marvellous light,
You have saved us from the darkness,
We rejoice in Your power and might.

1 We are a chosen race ...

2 We are to take Your light ...

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-Chorus: You have called us out of darkness, Out of darkness into Your marvelous light, You have saved us from the darkness, We rejoice in Your power and might. 1 We are a chosen race, A royal priesthood by Your grace, We are a holy nation set apart for You. 2 We are to take Your light To ev'ry nation, tongue and tribe, So they may see Your glory shining through our lives.

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