When People Learned of Jesus Christ (The Love that Jesus Taught)

This is a hymn about Jesus' love and  his role as teacher.  Officially inspired by Matthew 23:8-10, the song also refers to a number of other incidents in Jesus life and ministry, so has a wide range of uses.

It was written by American United Church of Christ minister and church education specialist, journalist, and lyricist Mary Nelson Keithahn (b 1934).

With meter D, tunes it is set to the tune DEDICATION (Horman), which was written for it by American music teacher and organist John D. Horman (details tba).     However it could be set to other tunes with the same meter, eg KINGSFOLD.

It is one of sixteen hymns in their collection Come Away with Me which was published in 1997 by Abingdon Press.

Christ teaching - painting by Tissot


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The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. The song has three verses, each eight lines long. A rough outline is:
1 When people learned of Jesus Christ,
... the love that Jesus taught.

2 He turned the water into wine
.... the love that Jesus taught.

3 He answered scribes and Pharisees
.... the love that Jesus taught.

4 We may not work a miracle,
.... the love that Jesus taught.

5 Dear God, at home, at work, at school,
.... the love that Jesus taught.

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1 When people learned of Jesus Christ, they came to hear him preach. They longed to find out for themselves what Jesus had to teach. They pondered over parables, and gave his words much thought, but what they most remembered was the love that Jesus taught. 2 He turned the water into wine and multiplied the bread, becalmed the heavy, stormy seas, and even raised the dead. The people wondered at the signs and miracles he wrought, but what they most remembered was the love that Jesus taught. 3 He answered scribes and Pharisees who would with him contend. He healed the sick, the blind, the lame, and was the sinners' friend. They marvelled at his prophecies, the healing that he brought, but what they most remembered was the love that Jesus taught. 4 We may not work a miracle, fulfil a prophet's role, encourage sinners to repent, or make the wounded whole, but, as disciples, we can tell we've found what all have sought: the never-ending love of God, the love that Jesus taught. 5 Dear God, at home, at work, at school, in all of life, we pray, help us be teachers who reveal your love for us today, that all the world may recognise the spirit that is caught when his disciples try to live the love that Jesus taught.

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