Hail Mary Pearl of Grace

This is a hymn about Mary

The words were written by English Anglican clergyman and then Roman Catholic convert, Benedictine monk and theologian Bede Camm OSB (1864-1942).

With meter 6.6.9 D, tunes it has been set to include:
  • LEONI - a 17th century tune
  •  MARGARITA GRATIAE by Geoffrey Laycock
  • An unnamed tune by Richard R Terry.

Hymn-books which it has been published in include:


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Solo singer with guitar backing:


Hail Mary, pearl of grace,
Pure flow'r of Adam's race,
And vessel rare of God'selection,
Unstained as Virgin snow,
Serene as sunset glow,
We sinners crave thy protection.

Thou Queen of high estate,
Conceiv'd immaculate,
To form Incarnate Love's pure dwelling,
The Spirit found his rest,
Within thy sinless breast,
And thence flow joys beyond all telling.

A fairer purer Eve,
Disdst thou her fall retrieve,
For man's debt giving God in payment:
Thy spotless feet are pressed
upon the serpent's crest,
God's stars thy crown, His sun thy raiment.

Through His dear blood who died,
By sinners crucified,
Art thou preserved, and we forgiven,
Help us to conquer sin,
That we may enter in
through Thee, the golden gate to Heaven.

See also

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