Lord of all Nations Grant me Grace

This is a social-justice themed hymn about the dignity of each human person.

It was written by American Lutheran human rights advocate and women's movement pioneer (ref) Olive Adelaide (née Wise) Spannaus (1916-2018)

It was originally written in 1960 for the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America (LHRAA), published in in the proceedings "Christians, Awake" (ref)  It was included in various later publications, Lutheran and otherwise, and copyright is held by Concordia Publishing House.

The original lyrics used the gendered language in several verses, and alternative versions of the first two verses are often used:

Lord of all nations, grant me grace
to love all men of every race
And in each person that I see
my brother, loved, redeemed by thee.
Lord of all nations, grant me grace
To love all people, every race,
And in each person may I see
My kindred loved, redeemed by Thee.


Break down the wall that would divide
thy people, Lord, on every side.
Lead me to seek my neighbour's good
in bonds of Christian brotherhood.
Break down the wall that would divide
Thy children, Lord, on every side.
My neighbour's good let me pursue;
Let Christian love bind warm and true

With meter, tunes it has been set to include
  • BEATUS VIR, which is attributed as a traditional Slovak tune, dating from 1561
  • MELROSE by Frederick C. Maker (1844-1927)
  • ANGELUS by George Joseph (17th century) - ref
  • DANIEL (Irish) - composer unknown (ref)

Group of people with various ethnic and national backgrounds - with the title superimposed
Photo from Wikipedia


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Choir with organ, recorded live, tune BEATUS VIR:

Choir with organ, professional recording, Tune BEATUS VIR:

Instrumental, piano. Home recording, with some distortion. Tune BEATUS VIR

Karaoke style track, electronic organ. Tune BEATUS VIR:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
1 Lord of all nations, grant me grace ...

2 Break down the wall that would divide ...

3 Forgive me, Lord, where I have erred ...

4 Give me the courage, Lord, to speak ...

5 With thine own love may I be filled ...

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1 Lord of all nations, grant me grace to love all men of every race And in each person that I see my brother, loved, redeemed by thee. 2 Break down the wall that would divide thy people, Lord, on every side. Lead me to seek my neighbour's good in bonds of Christian brotherhood. 3 Forgive me, Lord, where I have erred my loveless act or thoughtless word. Make me to see the wrong I do will crucify you, Lord, anew. 5 Give me the courage, Lord, to speak wherever strong oppress the weak. Should I myself the victim be, help me forgive, remembering thee. With thine own love may I be filled and by the Holy Spirit willed, That all I touch, where'er I be, may be divinely touched by thee.

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