Come Holy Ghost Creator Blest / Come O Creator Spirit Blest

This is a hymn invoking the Holy Spirit.   It is based on the Latin hymn "Veni Creator" which is attributed to priest, poet and theologian, Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856).

The words were written by English Anglican clergyman and later Roman Catholic convert and priest Edward Caswall (1814-1878).

There are some variation in the text eg "Come Holy Ghost creator blest", "Come Holy Spirit creator blest" which have been published at various times - and various variation on the rest of the text also.

With meter, tunes it is set to include:
  • LAMBILLOTTE by Louis Lambillotte (1796-1855)
  • VENI CREATOR by S Webbe - mainly in Irish publications
  • GRACE CHURCH, by Pleyel (1815)
  • MENDON - a traditional German melody
  • CANONBURY - by Robert Schumann, 1889
  • MATER MISERICORDIAE by Alred S Scot-Gatty 1809
  • BEDFORD by William Wherall (1723)
  • KOMM, GOTT SCHÖPFER, from Eyn Enchiridion, 1524
  • BROMLEY by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)


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Singer, self-accompanied on guitar:

Singer with piano:

Choral arrangement, with organ:

Close-harmony unaccompanied women's choir:

Large choir with organ and brass:

Choir with piano, professional recording:


Traditional language

Come Holy Ghost creator blest,
And in our souls take up Thy rest;
Come, with Thy grace and heavenly aid,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

Great Paraclete, to Thee we cry:
O highest gift of God Most High;
O Fount of life! O Fire of love!
The sweet Anointing from above!

The sacred sevenfold grace is Thine,
Dread finger of the hand divine:
The promise of the Father Thou,
Who dost the tongue with power endow.

Our senses touch with light and fire;
Our hearts with charity inspire;
And with endurance from on high
The weakness of our flesh supply.

Far back our enemy repel,
And let Thy peace within us dwell;
So may we, having Thee for Guide,
Turn from each hurtful thing aside.

O may Thy grace on us bestow
The Father and the Son to know,
And ever more to hold confessed
Thyself of each the Spirit blest.

All glory while the ages run
Be to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death; the same to Thee,
O Holy Ghost eternally.

Modern English

Come, O Creator Spirit, blest,
And in our souls take up Your rest;
Come, with Your grace and heavenly aid,
To fill the hearts which You have made.

O comforter, to You we cry:
O highest gift of God Most High;
O fount of life! O Fire of love!
The sweet anointing from above!

The sacred sevenfold grace is Your,
Dread finger of the hand divine:
The promise of the Father too,
Who does the tongue with power endow.

Our senses touch with light and fire;
Our hearts with charity inspire;
And with endurance from on high
The weakness of our flesh supply.

Far back our enemy repel,
And let Your peace within us dwell;
So may we, having You for guide,
Turn from each hurtful thing aside.

O may Your grace on us bestow
The Father and the Son to know,
And ever more to hold confessed
Yourself of each the Spirit blest.

All glory while the ages run
Be to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death; the same to Thee,
O Holy Ghost eternally.

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