This translation is by English poet and Roman Catholic (Jesuit) priest Gerald Manly Hopkins
SJ (1844–1889) (ref).
With meter, tunes that it has been set to include:
- JESU DULCIS MEMORIA - a Gregorian chant tune.
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Singer with guitar - original arrangement:
Instrumental - organ:
Instrumental - piano:
Jesus to cast one thought uponMakes gladness after He is gone,
But more than honey and honeycomb
Is to come near and take Him home.
No music so can touch the ear,
No news is heard of such sweet cheer,
Thought half so dear there is not one
As Jesus God the Father's Son.
Jesus, their hope who go astray,
So kind to those who ask the way,
So good to those who look for Thee,
To those who find what must Thou be?
To speak of that no tongue will do
Nor letters suit to spell it true:
But they can guess who have tasted of
What Jesus is and what is love.
Be our delight, O Jesus, now
As by and by our prize art Thou,
And grant our glorying may be
World without end alone in Thee.
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