O Love Who Drew From Jesus' Side | Your Truth Prevail

This is a hymn of petition for Christian unity, and the truth.

It was written by American Roman Catholic priest, theologian, teacher, composer and music-director, Richard J. Wojcik,  (1923–2013) - probably in the last 1950s or early 1960s.

With meter 88 88 88, tunes it has been set to include:
  • NEUMARK by German composer Georg Neumark (1621-1681)
  • MELITA (Dykes) by John Bacchus Dykes (1861).

Hymn-books where it has been published in include:
  • People's Mass Book. Complete Daily Missal Edition, World Library of Sacred Music, Cincinnati, USA, 1964
  • Parish Mass Book and Hymnal, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, USA, 1965
  • People's Mass Book, New Daily Missal Edition, World Library of Sacred Music, Cincinnati, USA, 1966
  • The Johannine Hymnal, in Memory of John F. Kennedy and John XXIII, American Catholic Press, Illinois, USA, 1970: 
  • Sources suggest that it was included in the 1967 and 1987 editions of the American Catholic Hymn Book (not confirmed).  It is listed in the index of the 1992 edition, but does not appear to be in the contents.
  • The Adoremus Hymnal, 2nd edition, Ignatius Press, 2011.


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Choir with organ:

Singer with organ - watch on Youtube directly:

Cantor with organ:

Instrumental - midi version in SATB, tune NEUMARK 

Instrumental - piano, tune NEUMARK 


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
O Love who drew from Jesus side,
One Body freed from Adam’s shame,
One Church sent forth to serve and guide,
One faith confirmed by gifts of flame:
When empty words our hopes assail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

Round Peter’s chair may all unite;
From blinded eyes the veil withdraw;
The minds of rulers set aright
Who bind your Church beneath their law:
Where faith grows dim and hearts are frail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

While Christians pray for unity,
Pour forth the light your saints have seen;
Dispel the dark of enmity;
Make known to all what love can mean:
Where brooding minds old wounds bewail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

Spoiled children, we, so blest with sight,
Redeemed by love surpassing all;
Lest we who glory in your light
Share not our gift, heed not your call:
In Christian hearts that faint and fail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

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One Body freed from Adam’s shame,
One Church sent forth to serve and guide,
One faith confirmed by gifts of flame:
When empty words our hopes assail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

Round Peter’s chair may all unite;
From blinded eyes the veil withdraw;
The minds of rulers set aright
Who bind your Church beneath their law:
Where faith grows dim and hearts are frail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

While Christians pray for unity,
Pour forth the light your saints have seen;
Dispel the dark of enmity;
Make known to all what love can mean:
Where brooding minds old wounds bewail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

Spoiled children, we, so blest with sight,
Redeemed by love surpassing all;
Lest we who glory in your light
Share not our gift, heed not your call:
In Christian hearts that faint and fail,
Your kingdom come, your truth prevail.

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