Hymn and song requests - August 2015

This hymn request round-up post lists hymns that people have asked about using the hymn research request tool during the last month or so.

August has been even quieter than July, so progress has been made on some of the requests from earlier in the year.

Hymns and songs requested in August

All of My Life - Habjan

The person who requested this hymn by Germaine Habjan was able to say that it's in the Allelluia, Amen Hymnal, and that this says it's (c) FEL 1978.

That's where the story gets interesting: FEL (originally Friends on English in the Liturgy) was a publications company that had serious financial problems. Today copyright of almost all FEL material is now managed by the Lorenz Corporation. But as far as I can tell, ""All of my Life"" is not in in print anywhere. And if that is true and acknowledged by FEL/Lorenz then in many countries it means the copyright ownership reverts back to the original author and composer. Which is perhaps not useful for someone who wants to get hold of the sheet music now. Research is continuing, to see if there's any way that it can be distributed here legally.

Galilee Song

This song by Australian Frank Andersen has been requested many times - and this month's request was the prompt to do an information page for it.

Holy Queen we Bend Before Thee

Recommended for the feast of the Assumption, this traditional hymn by Edward Casswell is translated from the writing of St Bernard of Cluny.

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place - Bukas Palad

This setting of Psalm 84 is by a Philippines-based contemporary music ministry group. Their website shows that they have published a number of music books, though it's not entirely clear how to purchase them.

Hymn for Labor Day / Jesus Thou Divine Companion

Requested last month, this hymn is likely to be popular inthe USA where Labor Day is observed in early September.

I Come to Thee

This request is mostly likely for the classic hymn I Need Thee Every Hour - although Google does suggest a couple of other possibilities.

I'm Longing to Go

Unfortunately no other information was provided with this request, so it's not possible to tell if it for "I'm Longing to go to the City" by John R. Swaim which was published in 1925, or maybe the more modern "There's a Place that I'm Longing to Go" by the Collingsworth family - or may be some thing else entirely.

It is the Living Spirit

This hymn is by Estelle White, and the official title is "Trust Is In The Eyes Of A Tiny Babe". It's on the list to have an information sheet done.


Only the one-word title was provided for this request, so it wasn't possible to identify what it is about.

Let's All Join Together

The only information in this request was the very short title. But it's likely that it is for this song, which is a variation of "Walk in the Light".

Mo Ghrá-sa Mo Dhia

An information page about this Irish language hymn by Liam Lawton has been compiled.

Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

Originally requested in July, this hymn is now available here.

Sing a Simple Song - Landry

This song by Carey Landry is on the list for further research.

Strong and Constant - Andersen

Frank Andersen wrote this popular hymn about the nature of God's love.

Take and Eat: Communion Mantra

This hymn by Maggie Russell was requested by a reader in Australia who is looking for the sheet music with chords. It has been written up over over at Six Maddens, who note that it's copyright 1988,1994 and that it's included in As One Voice. Probably the best way to get the sheet music would be to purchase a copy of AOV.

Take Eat This is my Body

Information about this Eucharist song by Paul Simmons is available here.

Take my Hand and Use it as Your Own

This folk-style hymn was written by Sebastian Temple. It's currently being researched, and will be published soon.

The Wedding Banquet

See here for an information-page about this popular folk-style hymn by Medical Mission sister Miriam Therese Winter.

Whatsoever You Do

Written in 1965, this is one of the oldest post Vatican II English-language hymns. Since then it's become known world-wide - the person who first requested it here had heard it in India. The text is still copyright, but check this information page for some examples.

Wisdom's Feast

This hymn about Wisdom and Eucharist is based on Proverbs 9. There is a lot of discussion on the internet about it, with some people not being overly fond of the lyrics. Read more about it here.

Word Made Flesh

The person who requested this song after hearing it at Sreydon Baptist Church in New Zealand provided lots of detail, including several phrases from the song ("Praise Christ the word made flesh", "Revealing the father", "In Jesus is life from the father of lights"), and the name of the composer or artist (Tom Martin).

Despite this, is hasn't been located, suggesting that it may be from the Contemporary Christian Music genre, in which many songs are released but do not have published sheet music.

Don't see your request here

Every month, there are a number of requests which just don't have enough information to track down the intended hymn or song. If you made a request during June but don't see it listed here, then you might like to try again:  It really helps if you can give some phrases that aren't likely to be included in other hymns.

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Are you looking for a hymn or song?

Are you looking for a particular song or hymn? Put in a request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's roundup post.

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