All in an Easter Garden

This is a simple folk-style hymn for Easter, possibly written for children.

The author and composer re unknown: the books it is published in (including The BBC "Complete Come And Praise") suggest that it may be of English origin.

With references to water lilies blooming at Easter, it is most suitable for northern hemisphere locations.


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Singer, self-accompanied on guitar:

Choir with piano - alternative tune:

Instrumental - synthesizer:

Guitar led instrumental - professional recording:


All in an Easter garden,
Before the break of day,
An angel came from heaven
And rolled the stone away.
When Jesus' friends came seeking,
With myrrh and spices rare,
They found the angels at the door,
But Jesus was not there.

All in an Easter garden,
Where water lilies bloom,
The angels gave their message
Beside an empty tomb:
'The Lord is here no longer,
Come, see where once He lay;
The Lord of Life is ris'n indeed,
For this is Easter day.

ABC Notation

Ref:  What is ABC

T:All in an Easter Garden
O:Possibly English
E | "A"CE AA | A A2 A | "E" GF GE | "A"A3 E |
w: 1~~~All in an Eas-ter gar-den, be-fore the break of day, an
w: 2~~~All in an Eas-ter gar-den, where wa-ter li-llies bloom, the
CE BA | "D"F B2 A | "E" GF GE | "A"A3 A |
w:1~~~an-gel came from hea-ven and rolled the stone a-way. When
w: 2~~~an-gels gave their mess-age, be-side an emp-ty tomb. The
"E"BB BB | "A"c c2 c | "Bm"dd "A"c/2-B/2c/2-d/2 | "E"B3 E |
w:1~~~Je-sus' friends came seek-ing, with myrrh and spi-_ces_ rare, they
w: 2~~~Lord is here no long-er, come see where on-_ce_ he lay;
"A"CE AA | "D"FA !fermata!d F | "E"GF GE | "A"A3 z |]
w:1~~~found the an-gels at the door, but Je-sus was not there.
w: 2~~~The Lord of life is risen indeed, for this is Eas-ter Day.

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