The author and composer are unknown.
There is a newspaper reference to lines of the 2nd verse here - published in 1902, and another in 1900. Both of these refer to young children singing a hymn. And another to it being used in a congregation in 1887 here. Based on these, it is very likely that the text is now in the public domain.
If you have any information about the song, and the tune it is sung to, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
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Mary, let Perpetual SuccourBe the answer, to our prayer,
For thy Son, of all the wretched
Gives to thee perpetual care.
Ever ready help hast thou,
Let thy children feel it now.
Of our passions we are weary,
Weary of the yoke of sin;
Yet though longing to be holy,
Faint of heart we ne'er begin.
Though we try to rise, yet ever
Down in misery we fall;
So like feeble children sadly,
For our Mother's help we call.
Let us feel thy help in sorrow,
Mourners look for joy to thee:
Spurn not God's unhappy creatures,
Whatsoe'er their faults may be.
Succour all, both priests and people,
Who to thee thee their homage pay,
Toiling men and praying women,
Help them on thy festal day.
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