Song and hymn requests during July 2015

This is the second hymn request round-up post, listing the hymns that people have asked about using the hymn research request tool in the last month or so.

As usual, July has been quite a quiet month: It's summer holiday time in the northern hemisphere so many church music programmes are on a break. And a number of schools in the south are taking a winter holiday around now, too. But there have still been 18 new requests, and a number of outstanding requests from previous months have also been worked on, as well.

Hymns and songs requested in July

All You Nations - Deiss

There are regular requests for some of Lucien Deiss's Psalm settings. This one was asking for staff notation (sheet music). Thankfully it's it's still in-print, so fairly easy to find. Links and more information are here.

Anima Christi

This is the original Latin text for Soul of my Saviour.  It's on the list of hymns to create PowerPoint slides for soon.

Go Prophet Go

This song by Norman C Habe and Jack Green is from the musical "Let the Cosmos Ring".   Sheet music for it was published in Faith, Folk and Festivity in 1969.

He Knows it All

The person who requested this song has found the lyrics, which were posted here back is 2013, but is looking for the sheet music. Unfortunately this hasn't been found so far. If you know where to find it,  please leave a comment below.

How Excellent is Thy Loving Kindness

This is a hymn that has been requested before It seems to have an interesting history, having been used in Scotland as well as being popular now in parts of Africa. The information so far, including sheet music, is here.

Hymn for Labor Day / Jesus Thou Divine Companion

Research is currently under way for this hymn, a full information page should be available here soon.

Let There be a Canopy

This song was included in Scripture in Song Volume II. It was written by Jack Hayford and is now © 1981 New Spring (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.).

Love is a Flag Flown High / Castle of my Heart

This is a children's action song. Based on comments on some internet discussion forums, it sounds like it's been around for a long time, and there's a chance that it originally came from Scotland. But the earliest publication found so far is from New Zealand in 1981. Read more here.

Mo Ghrá-sa Mo Dhia

Research is currently being done for this hymn, a description should be available here soon.

Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

A gospel song by an American professor, this has been fascinating to research. The page for it is almost complete, and will be available here soon.

O Lord with Wondrous Mystery

One of the English-language hymns written and published in the heady days after Vatican II, this work is no longer in print. But it's still used and is searched-for reasonably often.

Renewal Song - Andersen

This is one of Fr Frank Andersen's less well-known hymns - there is an information page about it here.

Sing a Simple Song - Landry

This song by Carey Landry is on the list for further research.

Strong and Constant - Andersen

Frank Andersen wrote this popular hymn about the nature of God's love - an information page about it will be prepared soon.

There's a Light Shining Forth

This praise chorus was requested back in December last year, but as only been completed recently.

This is my Body - Weston Priory

The lyrics of this hymn are avaiable here. It is copyright to Weston Priory, and was probably written by Gregory Norbett.

We are Family

Some details about this song hare available here.

Don't see your request?

Every month, there are a number of requests which just don't include enough information to track down the intended hymn or song.

 If you made a request during June but don't see it listed here, then you might like to try again and include some more details about the song - even an obscure phrase from inside one over the verses can make it a lot easier to find the hymn you have in mind.

What do you think

Did you submit a hymn request during July? Is this newsletter-post a helpful way to receive information about the hymn you requested?

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Are you looking for a hymn or song?

Is there is a particular song or hymn that are you are looking for? Put in a research request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's post.

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