Her Virgin Eyes saw God Incarnate Born

This is a hymn about Mary's joys and sorrows as the mother of God.

The words were written by English clergyman and bishop Thomas Ken (1637-1711), as part of a longer poem called "Sion: or, Philothea".

With meter, it is set to the tune FARLEY CASTLE, by English composer Henry Lawes (1596-1662).


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Boys choir with organ:

Instrumental - piano:

Instrumental - organ:


Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born,
When she to Beth'lem came that happy morn:
How high her raptures then began to swell,
None but her own omniscient Son can tell.

As Eve, when she her fontal sin reviewed,
Wept for herself and all she should include,
Blest Mary, with man's Saviour in embrace,
Joyed for herself and for all human race.

All saints are by her Son's dear influence blest;
She kept the very fountain at her breast:
The Son adored and nursed by the sweet Maid
A thousandfold of love for love repaid.

Heaven with transcendent joys her entrance graced,
Near to his throne her Son his Mother placed;
And here below, now she's of heaven possest,
All generations are to call her blest.

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