CCLI now lists the copyright owner as McCrimmon Publishing Company
Books it is included in the Celebration Hymnal for Everyone, 1994 thru 2012 editions - and the music-edition of this publication is the only source of sheet music for the song that has been located.
This section may contain affiliate links: I earn from qualifying purchases on these. Free downloads are provided where possible (eg for public domain items).No downloadable versions have been found, of either performances or the sheet music. If you know where to find one, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Praise band:
The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here.The song has two verses, and a chorus which is repeated after each one. A rough outline is:
One day will come when this world which we roam
... One day when love conquers all our fears.
That day a glow will surround us,
... One day when love teaches us how to pray.
Some day we'll learn how to control our lives.
.... One day when love teaches us to share.
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