This is a contemporary-Christian-music style worship song about faith in God. It was reportedly inspired by the first verse of Psalm 103 and the 19th century English hymn Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven.
It was
written by English evangelical worship leader and song-writer Matt Redman (b
1974) and Swedish-born and now American-resident evangelical worship leader and
song-writer Jonas Myrin (b tba).
The song was was first recorded by Redman as the title-track of an album that he released in 2011 through Kingsway Music. Since then has been covered by many, many artists and used as a congregational hymn in many denominations, languages and countries.
Sheet music has been released by various publishers, and in various arrangements - see below for links to some of these.
Redman subsequently published a book: 10,000 Reasons: Stories of Faith, Hope, and Thankfulness Inspired by the Worship Anthem, which is available in print and on-line formats (Kindle etc).
The song is set to an unnamed tune, described as a "modern ballad", which has a 4/4 time signature. In the key of G (which seems to be used for most published versions), the first few notes are Bd e edB ABA GE_ accompanied by chords C / G / D / Em7. The vocal range of the song is quite challenging: the chorus reaches top F, while the verses go down to D - however there's no obvious reason why it couldn't be transposed to a lower key.
The song was was first recorded by Redman as the title-track of an album that he released in 2011 through Kingsway Music. Since then has been covered by many, many artists and used as a congregational hymn in many denominations, languages and countries.
Sheet music has been released by various publishers, and in various arrangements - see below for links to some of these.
Redman subsequently published a book: 10,000 Reasons: Stories of Faith, Hope, and Thankfulness Inspired by the Worship Anthem, which is available in print and on-line formats (Kindle etc).
The song is set to an unnamed tune, described as a "modern ballad", which has a 4/4 time signature. In the key of G (which seems to be used for most published versions), the first few notes are Bd e edB ABA GE_ accompanied by chords C / G / D / Em7. The vocal range of the song is quite challenging: the chorus reaches top F, while the verses go down to D - however there's no obvious reason why it couldn't be transposed to a lower key.
See Redman's book on Amazon |
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Matt Redman with guitar, acoustic
Official video - Matt Redman with band
Professional recording, young teenage singer
Congregation, flash-mob style - piano accompaniment
Choir and congregation, with organ
Congregation, unaccompanied
Instrumental - organ
Instrumental - piano and acoustic guitar
The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:Chorus:
Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul.
Worship His holy name.
Sing like never before, O my soul.
I'll worship Your holy name.
1 The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning ...
2 You're rich in love and You're slow to anger ...
3 And on that day when my strength is failing ...
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