Jesus Name Above all Names

This is a soft, slow, reverent worship chorus, which meditates on some of the names given to Jesus in scripture. The words were initially inspired by Philippians 2:9.

It was written by New Zealander, Methodist-educated and later New Life evangelical church member, musician and piano-teacher, Naida Hearn (1931-2001)  (refs:  1 and 2), and initially spread organically from her church in Palmerston North to other churches around the New Zealand, and the world.

The song was published by Scripture in Song in 1974, and has since been included in many hymn books including:
and many others.

It is set to an unnamed tune, also by Hearn. This has a 6/8 time signature. In the key of D, the first few notes of the melody are F F_  FGA  F F_

The song has been translated into many languages, including:
  • German (Jesus höchster Name ) 
  • Dutch (Jezus naam boven alle naam)
  • Korean (예수 귀하신 이름 (Korean) 
  • Swedish (Jesus namnet med skönhet) 
  • Afrikaans (Jesus Groot Bo Almal)
If you know of other translations, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

from the painting "Christ And The Rich Young Ruler",
Heinrich Hofmann  (1824–1911)




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Singer and chorus with band, professional recording with words on-screen:

Singer with guitar - acoustic recording:

Duet with band, professional recording with words on-screen:

Contemporary band in a large worship event:

Choir with organ - professional recording:

Worship pastor, choir and congregation with piano:

Close harmony, unaccompanied, shape-note notation on-screen:

Instrumental - organ:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
Jesus, name above all names;
Beautiful saviour, glorious Lord.
Emmanuel, God is with us,
Blessed redeemer, living word.

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Jesus, name above all names;
Beautiful saviour, glorious Lord.
Emmanuel, God is with us,
Blessed redeemer, living word.

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