We Offer Thee the Holy Mass

This hymn about the Eucharist is an adaptation of "We Offer Lord this Sacrifice" by William H. H. Jervois (1852-1905) which was originally published in the 1903 book Additional Hymns: With Tunes For Use With Any Other Church Hymnal (1903).

With long meter (, that publication set it to the tune WETHERDEN by Rev. T. Richard Matthews (1826-1910).

The adaptation is used today in some African countries.  The adaptor is unkown.


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Solo singer:

choir - live recording in a church service:


We offer thee the holy Mass,
Thee our Creator to adore;
To thank thee for thy gracious gift
And praise thy name for evermore.

We pray for pardon and for grace
To change the life that we have led;
And beg thee for thy Son’s dear sake
To bless the living and the dead.

We bring our gifts, we bring our hearts
O Lord receive them, bless them all;
And grant we may thy children be
To love and bless thee evermore.

Now Jesus Christ’s true flesh and blood
Shall be our sacrifice divine;
The same in Mass as on the cross
Though under form of bread and wine.

To God the Father, God the Son,
The Holy Spirit, three in One.
All honour, glory, virtue be,
To God our Father and our King.

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We offer thee the holy Mass,
Thee our Creator to adore;
To thank thee for thy gracious gift
And praise thy name for evermore.

We pray for pardon and for grace
To change the life that we have led;
And beg thee for thy Son’s dear sake
To bless the living and the dead.

We bring our gifts, we bring our hearts
O Lord receive them, bless them all;
And grant we may thy children be
To love and bless thee evermore.

Now Jesus Christ’s true flesh and blood
Shall be our sacrifice divine;
The same in Mass as on the cross
Though under form of bread and wine.

To God the Father, God the Son,
The Holy Spirit, three in One.
All honour, glory, virtue be,
To God our Father and our King.

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