Here is Love Vast as the Ocean

This is a hymn about God's love.

It is a translation of a Welsh-language hymn, Dyma gariad fel y moroedd, which was known as the love-song of the Welsh Revival in the very early 20th century, and was set to the tune EBENEZER by Thomas J. Williams, 1890

The first two verses were written by Welsh poet, journalist and preacher, William Rees / Gwilym Hiraethog - ref) (1802-1883), while the second two are attributed Welsh-born Church of England deacon and later Calvinist preacher William Williams (1717-1791).   It was originally published in an addendum to a Welsh language hymn collection "Y per ganiedydd: sef detholiad o hymnau" W. Williams (Liverpool : G.W. Jones, ca. 1847. (ref)

The hymn was translated to English by Welsh Baptist educator, author and church-administrator William Edwards (1848-1929), and first published in The Baptist Book of Praise, 1900.

The first two verses are generally sung as translated.  But some artists / publishers have added alternative verses 3-4 and 5, as noted in the Lyrics section below.

The English translation was not originally widely used, but in recent years, contemporary arrangements have been recorded by artists including Matt Redmond and Fernando Ortega.

With meter D, it is (almost?) always set to the tune DIM OND IESU (Jesus Only), aka VANCOUVER, written by American Baptist pastor and gospel music composer, Robert Lowry (1826–1899) in 1876.


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Singer with piano accompaniment - professional recording (includes a short bridge of "Amazing Love")

Worship leader with chorus and band, Celtic style:

Welsh and English, leader and chorus, Celtic band:

Lead singer and chorus, with band:

Lead singer with band, soft-rock style:

Large choir with organ:

Concert performance, tenor soloist with orchestra:

Singer with guitar-led band:

Singer, self-accompanied on guitar:

Instrumental - guitar:


Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Loving-kindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout heav’n’s eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.

Let me, all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only,
And my life be to Thy praise;
Thou alone shalt be my glory,
Nothing in the world I see;
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me,
Thou Thyself hast set me free.

In Thy truth Thou dost direct me
By Thy Spirit through Thy Word;
And Thy grace my need is meeting,
As I trust in Thee, my Lord.
Of Thy fullness Thou art pouring
Thy great love and pow’r on me,
Without measure, full and boundless,
Drawing out my heart to Thee.

ABC Notation

About ABC notation

T:Here is Love
C:William Edwards (1848-1929)
C:Translated from William Rees (1802-1883)
GA | "G" B3 G "D"A B | A "G" G3 "C"G E | "G" D3 G F G | "D"A4 |
GA | "G" B3 G "D"A B | A "G" G3 G E | D3 "D7"G A F | "G"G4|
Bc | "Bm" d3 B c B | B "D" A3 A B | "D7" c3 A Bc | "G" B4 |
BA | "Em" G3 A "G"G F | E "Em" G3 GA | "G" B3 "D" G A F | "G"G4 |]

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"Bewes" verses 3 and 4:

3 Through the years of human darkness,
shone the lamp the prophets trimmed,
making known redemption's story,
of the love of God undimmed.
Christ for every tongue and nation!
All must come beneath his sway;
his the everlasting kingdom
that shall never pass away.

4 When the stars shall fall from heaven,
and the sun turn black as night,
when the skies recede and vanish,
and the elements ignite.
Then the Son of Man in glory,
coming as the Morning Star,
shall return to claim his loved ones,
gathered in from near and far.

Matt Giles and Vell Rives verses 3 and 4
3  Here is love that conquered evil:
Christ, the firstborn from the grave;
Death has failed to be found equal
To the life of Him Who saves.
In the valley of our darkness
Dawned His everlasting light;
Perfect love in glorious radiance
Has repelled death’s hellish night.

4  That same love beyond all measure,
Mocked and slain by hateful men,
Lives and reigns in resurrection
And can never die again.
Here is love for all the ages,
Radiant Sun of Heav’n He stands,
Calling home His Father’s children,
Holding forth His wounded hands.

5  Here is love, vast as the heavens;
Countless as the stars above
Are the souls that He has ransomed,
Precious daughters, treasured sons.
We are called to feast forever on a love beyond our time;
Glorious Father, Son, and Spirit
Now with man are intertwined.

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