However various events have got in the way, including the coldest March day on record in Ireland: There was certainly plenty of snow, spring - perhaps not yet!
Some technical issues with the website have taken time to resolve, you may have noticed that instead of a popular-posts list in the sidebar there is now a brand new Popular Posts page which is updated manually every fortnight, and also an automatically updates What's New page listing the most-recently published material here. Keep an eye on this if you want to see what what hymns, books and other resources have been added to the website lately.

For now, hymns about St Patrick and St Joseph are popular, as well as hymns for Lent and Easter. Other hymns and songs that have been requested in the last few months are ...
Hymn and song research requests since the last newsletter
Abba Father - Vissing
Information about this song by Virginia Vissing is now available here.Above All
Information about this song by Paul Baloche and Lenny LeBlanc is now available here.All that I Am and All that I Do
Information about this song is available here.All Thy Works Shall Praise Thee
Information about this short praise song by Dale Garrett is now available here.Angels we Have Heard on High - with tonic solfa
Someone was looking for the tonic solfa notation for this Christmas carol. Unfortunately it's been very difficult to find, not least because a version of it was was released by a group called Tonic Sol-fa in 2010! If you know where to find such notation, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.Anima Christi
This was an interesting reuqest. It may refer to the orginal Latin prayer - information about this is available here. Or it may be for the hymn Soul of my Saviour, which was the first widely popular English translation of the original text - and which is set to a tune called ANIMA CHRISTI. And just to be really confusing, there are a number of other English-language hymns which have been given the title Anima Christi.If you are looking for one of the latter, please request again giving some more details of the particular hymn that you're interested in.
Baker Woman
Information about this song about Mary is available here.Bethlehem Of mobiles contributes
I'm guessing that this request was subject to some helpful auto-completion - and most likely was for Bethlehem of Noblest Cities - information about this is now available here. If that's not right, please try again.Canticle of the Sun
There are at least two songs with this title - one by Sebastian Temple and this one by Marty Haugen.Christ is the Rock of our Salvation
This request is for a hymn by Ralph Wright, which contains the phrase Jacobs Ladder. I have not been able to identify such a hymn. If you have any suggestions about where it might be found, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.Colours of Day
Information about this song is available here.Come O Jesus Come Emmanuel
Information about this song is available here.Enter in the Wilderness
Information about this song is available here.Eucharist Song
This request was for a song by Australian singer-songwriter Leo Watt. But I haven't been able to find any song by him with this title - not even on his discography. Possibly you wanted the Frank Andersen song with that title?For me to Live is Christ to Die is Gain
Information about this song is available here.Gently Lay Your Hand
This hymn by Carey Landry has been added to the list for future research.Glorious is Thy Name
Information about this song is available here.Hail Redeemer
Information about this song is available here.He has Brought us Thus Far
Information about this song by New Zealand singer-songwriter Bonnie Low. is now available here.He Knows it All
Some information about this song is available here. If that's not the one you were looking for, please try again, giving some more details.Heart of Jesus Hear
There are several hymns which this request could be for. One is a traditional devotional song - more about it here. Another is a modern song, inspired by various traditional devotions, which was written and recorded in the Philippines - read more about it..I Cannot Come to the Banquet
Information about this song is available here.I have Carried you on Eagles Wings
Information about this song is available here.I Saw a Star up High Above the Heavens
Information about this song is available here.I will Celebrate Your love Forever Yahweh
Information about this song by Karen Barrie is now available here.I'd Rather Have Jesus
Information about this song is available here.It's not by Might nor by Power
Information about this song, officially called By My Spirit, is now available here.Land of our Birth we Blessings Thee
This request is most likely for the song Land of our Birth we Pledge to Thee - which is a setting of a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Information about this song is now available here.Listening Man
Information about this song by Estelle While is now available here.Long Live the Pope
Information about this song is available here.Look what you Made me Do
This pop-song was written by a team including the artist who performed it, Taylor Swift. It has some religious imagery in the words, but probably won't find much use in church, so I haven't done any in-depth research. But you can get sheet music (instant download) from Sheet Music PlusLord Make me an Instrument of Your Peace
Information about this setting of the Prayer of St Francis by Sr Breige O'Hare, is available here.Lord we Pray for Golden Peace
Information about this song by Sebastian Temple. is now available here.Maiden Yet a Mother
Information about this song is available here.Man Fully Living
This hymn by Hubert Richards has been added to the list for future research.Mandatum, Latin liturgy washing feet hymn
The hymn which this request is for is called Mandatum novum do vobis. However there are many musical settings of it. If you can provide some more information about the one you are looking for, I may be able to locate it. (Hint: search for the full title in YouTube.com to see various options.)Mary Shield us from Danger
Information about this song, officially called Mary Dearest Mother, is available here.Mother of Mercy
Information about this song is available here.O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Information about this American Christmas song is available here.Oh How Good is the Lord
Basic information about this hymn is found here.However someone who heard the song at Camp Jesus 1987 in Ireland really really wants the paino accompaniment sheet music. There don't appear to be many arrangements available - but I did locate a simple 2-hand arrangemnet in the Music Edition of in a book from Kevin Mayhew publications called Really Good Songs for Junior Church - which is also available from SheetMusic Plus.
One Love Released
Information about this song is now available here.Only by Grace
Information about this song by Gerrit Gustafson is now available here.However there are a number of other songs with the same title, If you are looking for one of these, please make another request with some more details about the exact song you are looking for.
Our Saviour Jesus Christ Proclaimed
Information about this song by Estelle White is now available here.Peace I Leave with You
This request is for a very specific song which is based on John 14:27, has a 4/4 time signature and these lyrics:Peace I leave with you My peace I give unto youOne option seems to be this arrangement by Walter L Pelz. I am not sure, though, if it's the correct one though, because this text has been used for a lot of hymns.
Not as the world give th give I unto you
Let not your heart be troubled Neither let it be afraid
Peace I leave with you My peace I give unto you
If you have suggestions about other popular hymns which have these lyrics, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Peace is Flowing Like a River
Information about this traditional song is now available here.Praise to God Immortal Praise
Information about this song is now available here.Psalm 23
Information about this song by Tom Conry is now available here.Queen Yes we Call on On
Some information about this song is now available here. If you know anything more about it, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.Seek the Lord While He can be Found
This was an interesting request - because there are many, many songs with this title. Information about this one by Roc O''Connor is now available here - if you were looking for another one, please try again, this time leaving some more information about the song.Síocháin libh
Information about this Irish-language hymn is available here.Song for St Rita
Unfortunately this request only included the title, so I haven't been able to work out which particular song you are looking for. Please try again, and leave a few more details about the song you are looking for.Song of Simeon
Information about this song by Frank Andersen MSC. is now available here.Spirit Filled Day
Information about this song is available here.Spirit of God
This request just included the very short title. Unfortunately there are a number of songs with this title, so without some more information about it, I cannot know which one you were looking for.Spirit of God in the Clear Running Water
This request is from someone with an emergency need for the sheet music for this well-known song by Miriam Therese Winter. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any source for this, apart from the book referred to in the song information page - and copyright law means that I cannot simply make a copy of it and share it with you.Stay with us Lord we Pray
Some information about a song with this title is available here. However it does not included the words that were quoted in the requestwe who have laboured all the day stand most in need of you.If you have any information about a song like this, please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.
Symphony of Praise
This request included the title, Symphony of Praise, and also some lyrics.Like an old violin with it's bow badly bent I lay silently gathering dust. From a pile of debris God's hand lifted me.
I've found the words for Steve Green's Symphony of Praise here - but they are quite different to what was quoted.
And I cannot find the quoted words in any hymn or song.
If you have any suggestions where they might be from, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Take our Bread we Ask You
Information about this song is available here.The Magnificat
This request was for a very specific setting of the Magnificat, which includes exactly this refrain:""Be glad my soul and glorify the Lord, my Spirit finds its joy in God, my Savior.""
I haven't been able to identify this - if you have any suggestions about who it is by or what the tune is, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
This is our Acceptable Time
Information about this Lenten hymn by Frank Andersen is available here.This Then is my Prayer
Information about this song is now available here.To Jesus Heart all Burning
Information about this song is available here.We are the Easter People
Information about this song is available here.What have we to Offer Him
Information about this song is available here.What so ever you do to the least of my brothers this you do unto me
Information about this song is available here.When Christ the Son of Mary
Information about this Christmas song is now available here.When is He Coming the Redeemer
Information about this song is available here.When the Saints go Marching In
Information about this song is available here.With my Hands Lifted Up
Information about this song is now available here.Yahweh as we talk with you listen
Some information about this children's song is availble here.You Shall Sing out with Joy
This request just included the title. I haven't been able to find a hymn which is an exact match - but wondered if you were looking for You Shall Go Out with Joy?Getting updates about requested songs and hymns
If you subscribe to the GodSongs.net mailing list, you will get an email when new hymns and hymnal-listing are added, and when new newsletters are posted:Please note that shortly after you subscribe, Feedburner will send you a verification-request message - be sure to click on the link, so your subscription is complete.
Are you looking for a hymn or song?
Are you searching for the words or sheet music for a particular song or hymn - especially from the last 50 or so years?The Hymn Finder tool is your first port of call. It is a customized search tool, which lets you search for any words from the hymn - and looks for them in a set of websites that are known to contain hymns. This means that you get results which are hymns - instead of sermons and newsletters which just contain snippets, or pages about totally different topics which just happen to contain those words.
If this doesn't help, then submit a request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's newsletter.
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