Catholic Hymn Book - RPI, Nigeria

This Catholic hymn book was co-published by RPI and St Pauls for the Regional Pastoral Institute in Ede, Osum State, Nigeria

As well as the selection of hymns grouped according to liturgical use, there are special prayers, Order of the Mass, Rosary and Way of the Cross, it has guidelines about hymns and psalms for particular occasions.

There are 366 hymns in total: 23 are in Latin, one a mix of Latin and English, and the rest in English.

It has an imprimatur from Most Rev Dr Alba Job, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ibadan Province, 1998, and a foreword by Bishop Anthony B Gbujii, Bishop of Issele-Uku, dated 4 November 1976.

ISBN 978-33734-1-2

Reprinted May 2005 by Indria Printers, New Delhi

The flyleaf states "all rights reserved", but there is no copyright information or acknowledgement for the hymns that are included.

Downloading this book

Copyright means that it is not possible to make this whole book available to be downloaded.

But an e-book, Selected Hymns from the Nigerian Catholic Hymn Book. includes
  • Lists of suggested hymns, for Mass and by theme / season.
  • A complete list of all hymns in the original book, the person who wrote them and the current copyright status.
  • The complete words for more than three-quarters of the hymns from the original book.
It is now available on Amazon / Kindle.  Click here to see a list of the hymns which are included.

About the contents listing

This listing is based on the revised edition, reprinted in May 2005.

Composer and author are shown as they are recorded in the book, in accordance with this site's copyright policies.

Detail  pages for some songs are linked from the titles.  They may include:
  • background information about the hymn, 
  • the full lyrics, 
  • downloadable PowerPoint slides of the words, 
  • sheet music (lead-sheet and/or guitar chords only), 
  • (links to) samples of the song.  

Additional song-pages will be added as time and copyright permissions allow.

If you own the copyright to any of these songs, and would like to grant permission for items to be made available here, or to provide a link to sources where they are still available for sale, please get in touch.

Table of Contents

Title (first-line) Number
Abba Father 42A
Abba, Father, send your spirit / Glory, hallelujah, Glory Jesus Christ
Number of verses: 9
Recommended uses: Entrance
Abide with Me 218
Abide with me fast falls the eventide
Number of verses: 5
Accept Almighty Father 43
Accept almighty Father these gifts of bread and wine
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Entrance
Adeste Fideles 317
Adeste fideles / Venite adoramus
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 4
Adoramus and Laudate 318
Adoremus aeternum, sanctissimum sacramentum
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Adoro te Devote 319
Adoro te devote latens Deitas
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 7
All Glory Praise and Honour 126
All glory, praise and honour to thee redeemer King / All glory praise and honor
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
All Good Gifts 66
We plough the fields and scatter / All good gifts around us
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
All Man's Labour 44
All man's labour can produce / May this lowly bread and wine
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offertory
All my Life 127
All of my life I will praise the living god / Bless the Lord, O my soul
Number of verses: 11
Recommended uses: Recessional
All People that on Earth 1
All people that on earth do dwell
Based on: Psalm 100
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
All that I Am 46
All that I am, all that I do
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Offertory
All the Earth 2
All the earth proclaim the Lord / Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness
Based on: Psalm 100
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Entrance
All You Who Seek a Comfort Sure 191
All ye who see a comfort sure in trouble and distress
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
Alleluia Praise the Lord 219
Hallelujah, alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord for it's good
Number of verses: 1
Almighty Father Take this Bread 45
Almighty Father take this bread your people offer you
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offertory
Amazing Grace 68
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Angels from the Realms of Glory 165
Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight o'er all the earth
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Angels we Have Heard on High 166
Angels we have heard on high / Gloria in excelsis Deo
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Anima Christi 320
Anima Christi, sanctifica me
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 2
Are ye Able said the Master 69
""Are ye able"" said the master ""to be crucified with me?"" / Lord we are able, our spirits are thine
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
First published in 1926
Appears to be no longer copyright in the USA due to not being registered.
Likely is still elsewhere
Are you Washed 70
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power / Are you washed, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Arise and Shine 220
Number of verses: 1
Around the Altar 125c
Around the altar we sing and pray / Take his body singing, praying altogether
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
As the Dewy Shades of Even 290
As the dewy shades of even gather o'er the balmy air
Number of verses: 4
As with Gladness Men of Old 167
As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
As your Family Lord 71
As your family Lord, see us here
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
At the Lamb's High Feast we Sing 203
At the Lamb's high feast we sing praise to our victorious king
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Attende Domine 321
Attende Domine et miserere / Ad te Rex summe, omnium redepmtor
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 5
Ave Maria O Maiden O Mother 291
Ave Maria, O maiden O mother / Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis
Key: Latin and English
Number of verses: 3
Ave Maria Stella 322
Ave Maria Stella, dei mater alma
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 7
Ave Regina Caelorium 323
Ave regina caelorium, ave Domina angelorum
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Ave Verum Corpus natum 324
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Away in Manger 168
Away in manger no crib for a bed
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Beautiful Saviour King of Creation 340
Beautiful saviour, king of creation, son of God and son of man
Number of verses: 2
Benedictus 325
Benedictus qui venit
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Bethlehem of Noblest Cities 169
Bethlehem of noblest cities, none can once with thee compare
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Bless the Lord 3
Glory to God, glory, O praise him alleluia! / Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Entrance
Blessed Assurance 125A
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine / This is my story, this is my song
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Blessed be God, Amen 128
Blessed be God, Amen
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Recessional
Blessed Lamb on Calvary's Mountain 192
Blessed lamb on Calvary's mountain, slain to take our sins away
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Lent
Blessed Saviour 271
Blessed saviour we adore thee / Glorious, glorious, glorious is thy name O Lord
Number of verses: 3
Blessed Saviour Thee I Love 72
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Blowin' in the Wind 221
How many roads must a man walk down / The answer my friend
Number of verses: 3
Bread you have Given Us 73
Bread you have given us Lord, that we may see / We come to sing at the table of love
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
Bring them in From the Fields of Sin 48
Hark 'tis the shepherd's voice I hear / Bring them in from the fields of sin
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
Bringing in the Sheaves 47
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness / Bringing in the sheaves
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Offertory
Canticle of the Blessed Virgin, The (Magnificat) 307
Number of verses: 10
Canticle of the Three Children 129
O all you works for the Lord, bless the Lord / To him be the highest glory
Number of verses: 18
Recommended uses: Recessional
Children in Thy Presence Met 222
Children in thy presence met, fill our hearts with holy fear
Number of verses: 4
Children of Mary 292
Children of Mary high your voices raise
Number of verses: 2
Christ Arose 204
Low in the grave he lay
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Christ be With Me, Christ Within Me 130
Christ be with me, Christ within me
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Recessional
Christ is my Rock 74
Christ is my rock, my refuge my stronghold / I know a man who loved to live free
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Christ is the king of heaven and earth 272
Christ is king of heaven and earth, let his subjects all proclaim
Number of verses: 5
Christ our Pasch 206
Christ our Pasch has been slain /
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Christ the Lord is Risen Today 205
Christ the Lord is risen today, Christians, haste, your vow's to pray.
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Christmas Comes to Bless 170
Christmas comes to bless the earth with its wondrous heavenly birth
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Churches where Men Are, The 115
The church is where men are, for there we find Christ / Let our light shine for all to see
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Come Down Lord 223
Come down Lord my son is ill / Do not come to my house I'm unworthy
Number of verses: 3
Come God's Children 49
Come God's children, let us sing, alleluia
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offertory
Come Holy Spirit Creator Come 207
Come holy spirit creator come, from thy bright heavenly throne
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Come Let us Sing 4
Come let us sing songs of glory / Glory! Sing glory! Glory
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Come Lord Jesus 156
Come Lord Jesus, the light is dying / Christ come quickly, there's danger at the door
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Advent
Come Praise the Lord 42B
Come praise the Lord, you children of the Lord
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Come Rock the Cradle for Him 171
Come rock the cradle for him, come in the crib adore him
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Come Sound his Praise Abroad 5
Come sound His praise abroad / Praise ye the Lord, Alleluia
Based on: Psalm 95
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Come Thou Almighty King 6
Come thou almighty king, help us your name to sing.
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Come Thou Long Expected Saviour 157
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Advent
Come to Me Beloved 341
Come to me, beloved babe of Bethlehem
Number of verses: 3
Come to the Springs of Living Water 7
Come to the springs of living water / Come from the distant valley to the mountain of the Lord
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Coming of our God, The 162
The coming of our God our thought must now employ
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Advent
Crown him with Many Crowns 273
Number of verses: 3
Cry Out With Joy to the Lord 8
Arise come to your God / Cry out with joy to the Lord all the earth
Based on: Psalm 100
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Daily Daily Sing to Mary 293
Daily, daily sing to Mary, sing my soul her praises due
Number of verses: 5
Day is dying in the west 132
Day is dying in the west / Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
Dear Angel Ever at my Side 224
Dear angel ever at my side, how long must thou be
Number of verses: 5
Dear Children Praise the Lord In All 342
Dear children, praise the Lord in / Dear children, praise his holy name
Number of verses: 7
Dear Maker of the Starry Skies 158
Dear maker of the starry skies, light never lost by faithful eyes
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Advent
Earth O Lord Rejoices, The 36
The earth O Lord rejoices and sings with glad acclaim
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Easter Song, The 209
My Lord he Died for a Kingdom / Sing alleluia, the Lord is risen
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Ecce Panis Angelorum 326
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Emmanuel 159
All who walk in darkness have seen a great light / O Come we are Waiting Emmanuel
Based on: Isaiah
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Advent
Fade Fade each Earthly Joy 225
Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine
Number of verses: 4
Fading Still Fading 294
Fading still fading, the last beam is shining, Ave Maria the day is declining
Number of verses: 4
Faith of our Fathers 226
Faith of our fathers living still, in spite of dungeon, fire and sword
Number of verses: 4
Father Within Thy House Today 9
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Fight the Good Fight 133
Fight the good fight with all thy might
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
Firmly I Believe and Truly 227
Firmly I believe and truly, God is three and God is one
Number of verses: 5
First Nowell, The 187
The first noel the angels did say / Noel, noel, noel, noel
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Christmas
For we are One 75
For we are one in the love of Christ / If in your life, love abounds
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
From Every Stormy Wind that Blows 228
From every stormy wind that blows, from every swelling tide that woes
Number of verses: 5
Full in the Panting Heart of Rome 229
Full in the panting heart of Rome, beneath the apostles crownign dome
Number of verses: 3
Future lies before me, The 266
O I often sit and ponder / Oh the future lies before me
Number of verses: 3
Glorious God 134
Glorious God, king of creation / Lord of life, father almighty
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Recessional
Glory be to Jesus 193
Glory be to Jesus who in bitter pains
Number of verses: 7
Glory be to the Father 135
Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Recessional
Glory to God on High 76
Glory to God on high, peace to all good men / Sing out praise to God
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Communion
Glory to God, Glory! 136
Glory to God, Glory! / Praise Christ, the son of he living God
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
Go Prophet Go 137
Go, prophet, go / Go to the night-clubs, cabarets
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
Go Tell Everyone 231
God's spirit is in my heart / Go, tell everyone the news that the kingdom of God has come
Number of verses: 4
Go Tell it on the Mountain 174
Go tell it on the mountain / When I was a learner, I sought both night and day
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
God Almighty 51
O brothers of Christ Jesus come / God Almighty, take our offering
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Offertory
God be With You Till we Meet Again 230
God be with you 'til we meet again / Til we meet again, till we meet again
Number of verses: 4
God Gives His People Strength 77
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
God is Love 78
God is love and he who abides in love / The love of Christ has gathered us together
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
God Loves a Cheerful Giver 52
God loves a cheerful giver, give all you've got / Peter always made a fuss, Peter was impetuous
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
God of Mercy and Compassion 194
God of mercy and compassion, look with pity upon me / Jesus Lord I ask for mercy
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
God our Father Everlastig 53
God our Father, everlasting, please accept the gifts we offer
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offertory
God our Father Forgive Our Sin 195
God our Father, forgive our sins / Remember Lord
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Lent
God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen 172
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Good Christian Men Rejoice 173
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Grant to us O Lord 232
Grant to us O Lord a heart renewed, / Behold the days are coming says the Lord our God
Number of verses: 4
Greet we this Mystery 79
Greet we this mystery yearly returning
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer 80
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer / Bread of heaven
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Hail Holy Joseph Hail 233
Hail holy Joseph hail, husband of Mary hail.
Number of verses: 6
Hail Jesus Hail 274
Hail Jesus Hail, who for my sake, blood from Mary's veins didst and shed it all for me
Number of verses: 5
Hail O Mary Full of Grace 160
Hail O Mary full of grace, daughter true of David's race
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Advent
Hail Queen of Heaven 295
Hail queen of heaven, the ocean star
Number of verses: 4
Hail Queen of the Heavens 296
Hail queen of the heavens, hail mistress of earth
Number of verses: 3
Hail Redeemer King Divine 275
Hail redeemer king divine / Angels saints and nations sing
Number of verses: 4
Hail this Joyful Day's Return 208
Hail this joyful day's return, hail the pentecostal morn
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Hail Thou Star of Ocean 297
Hail thou star of ocean, portal of the sky
Number of verses: 4
Happy Indeed is the Man 10
Blessed is he who delights in the law of the Lord / Happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked
Based on: Psalm 100
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Hark Hark my Soul Angelic Songs are Swelling 234
Hark, hark my soul, angelic songs are swelling / Angels of Jesus, angels of light
Number of verses: 5
Hark Hark the Angels Singing 343
Hark, hark the angels singing, through the whole heavenly host
Number of verses: 2
Hark Herald Voice is Sounding 175
Hark, a herald voice is sounding, Christ is nigh it seems to say
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Hark how the Banks of Jordan Ring 235
Hark, how the banks of Jordan ring, the Baptist's utterance echoing
Number of verses: 6
Hark My Soul How Everything 11
Hark, my soul, how everything strives to serve our bounteous King
Number of verses: 7
Hark the Herald Angels Sing 176
Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king / Hark! the hera'd angels sing
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Christmas
He Brought the Whole Field 344
He brought the whole field, for joy. / Paul was a Hebrew by birth
Number of verses: 3
Hear O thou Bounteous Maker Hear 12
Hear O thou bounteous maker hear
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Hear thy Children Gentle Jesus 81
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Hear us O Lord 13
High king exalted, all the world's redeemer / Hear us O Lord and have mercy on us
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Heaven Proclaim the Glory of God, The 37
The works of your ands OR Lord open my lips / The heavens proclaim the glory of God
Based on: Psalm 19
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Help Lord the Souls 310
Help Lord the souls that thou hast made, the souls to thee so dear
Number of verses: 6
Here we Are 14
Here we are all together
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Entrance
Herod why Thrills thy Heart 177
Herod why thrills thy heart with fear
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Christmas
His Bourntiful Care 236
He sendeth the sunshine and rain / Bountiful, wonderful, merciful love
Number of verses: 3
His Yoke is Easy 82
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want / His yoke is easy His burden is light
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Hold the Fort 15
Ho' my comrades - see the signal waving in the sky / Hold the fort for I am coming
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Holy God We Praise Thy Name 237
Number of verses: 4
Holy Holy is the Lord 83
Holy Holy is the Lord / Tremble for the Lord is king
Based on: Psalm 99
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
Holy Queen we bend Before Thee 298
Holy Queen we bend before thee / Teach us, o teach us, O holy mother
Number of verses: 4
Holy Spirit Lord of Light (Veni Sancta Spiritus) 210
Holy spirit Lord of light, from the clear celestial height
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna 17
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Entrance
How Excellent 238
How excellent, how excellent is thy loving kindness
Number of verses: 1
How Great is your name 18
How great is your name O Lord our God / Your majesty is praised above the heaven
Based on: Psalm 8
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
How Great is your Name 42C
How great is your name for those who can see
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
How Lovely is your Dwelling Place 84
How lovely is your dwelling place O Lord of hosts / My soul is longing and yearning
Based on: Psalm 84
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
Howl my Soul 345
Howl you for the day of the Lord is near
Number of verses: 4
Humbly let us Voice our Homage 85
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Communion
Humbly we adore Thee 86
Christ our God and brother, hear our humble pleas / Humbly we adore Thee, Christ redeemer King
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Communion
I Come to Thee 346
I come to thee once more my God
Number of verses: 5
I Need you Every Hour 125B
I need you every hour most gracious Lord / I need you, I need you
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
I Rejoice when I Heard Them Say 19
We go up with joy to the house of our God / I Rejoice when I heard them say
Based on: Psalm 122
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Entrance
I Surrender All 276
To Jesus I surrender, to Him I freely give / I surrender all, I surrender all
Number of verses: 3
I trusted even when I said 50
How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me / I trusted even when I said
Based on: Psalm 115: 10-19
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Offertory
I want to Sing 21
I want to sing, I want to shout your praise O Lord / My Heart is ready to praise you O Lord
Based on: Psal 108: 1-5
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Entrance
I was Glad 20
I was glad when they said unto me
Based on: Psalm 122
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
I will Seek and Find you Now 240
I will seek and find you now / Thou art pure and undefiled, undefiled
Number of verses: 1
I Will Sing, I will Sing 42D
I wiill sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord / Alleluia, alleluia, glory to the Lord
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Entrance
I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary 299
I'll sing a hymn to Mary the mother of my God
Number of verses: 4
Immaculate Mary 300
Immaculate Mary are hearts are on fire / Ave, ave, ave Maria
Number of verses: 11
In Christ there is no East or West 88
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
In Your Body Lord 89
In Your body Lord we are one
Number of verses: 10
Recommended uses: Communion
It is Well with my Soul 239
When peace like a river attendeth my way / It is well, it is well, it is well with my soul
Number of verses: 2
It's a Long Road to Freedom 347
It's a long road to freedom / I walked one morning by the sea
Number of verses: 4
Jerusalem my Happy Home 311
Jerusalem my happy home, when shall I come to thee
Number of verses: 11
Jesu Dulcis Memoria 327
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Jesus Eternal Truth Sublime 277
Jesus eternal truth sublime, through endless years the same
Number of verses: 3
Jesus for Me 278
Jesus my saviour is all things for me / Jesus for me, Jesus for me, all the time everywhere
Number of verses: 3
Jesus Gentlest Saviour 279
Jesus gentlest saviour God of might and power
Number of verses: 6
Jesus is God 280
Jesus is God! the solid earth, the ocean broad and bright
Number of verses: 3
Jesus my God Behold at Length the Day 196
Jesus my God behold at length the day / O pardon me Jesus
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Lent
Jesus my Lord my God my All 284
Jesus my Lord my God my all / Sweet sacrament, we thee adore
Number of verses: 5
Jesus Thou art Coming 90
Jesus Thou art coming / Who am I my Jesus
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Joy is Like the Rain 349
I saw raindrops on my windows, joy is like the rain
Number of verses: 4
Joy of the Lord our Rampart and Power, The 38
The joy of the Lord our rampart and power / Blessed are you O merciful Lord
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Joy to the World 178
Joy to the world, the Lord has come
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Joy-bells Ringing 348
Joy bells ringing, children singing / Joy-bells, joy-bells, never never cease your ringing.
Number of verses: 4
Just for Today 245
Lord for tomrrow and its needs, I do not pray
Number of verses: 5
Keep in Mind 211
Keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died for us / If we die with the Lord we shall live with the Lord
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Keep Step with the Master 241
Keep step with the master, whatever betide / Keep step, go bravely forward
Number of verses: 3
King of Glory King of Peace 281
King of Glory king of peace, I will love you
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
King of Glory, The 39
The king of glory comes / Who is the king of glory, how shall we call him
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Lauda Sion Salvatorem 328
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 4
Lead Kindly Light 242
Lead kindly light amid the encircling bloom
Number of verses: 3
Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 91
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Let the Heaven be Glad 22
Let the Heaven be glad and the earth rejoice
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Entrance
Let thy Priest O Lord 243
Let thy priest O Lord be clothed with justice / Turn not away from the face of thy anointed
Number of verses: 3
Let us all Come and Bow 23
Let us come to him with song / Let us all come and bow
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Let us Break Bread Together 54
Let us break bread Together on our knees / When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
Let us Break Bread Together we are One 55
Let us break bread together at the altar
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Offertory
Light of Christ 138
Light of Christ, light our way / The Lord is my light and my salvation
Based on: Psalm 27
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Recessional
Like Olive Branches 244
Like olive branches around the table of the Lord OR May the God of Israel join you in one / Blessed those who fear the Lord, who seek his path
Based on: Psalm 128
Number of verses: 7
Like the Deer that Yearns 92
My soul is thirsting for the Lord / I shall go to the house of God / Like the deer that yearns for running streams
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
Little King so Fair and Sweet 350
Little king so fair and sweet, see us gathered round thy feet
Number of verses: 7
Living God, The 32
Sing praises to the Living God Glory Halleljuah / Glory to the trinity, the undivided one
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Lord Accept the Gifts we Offer 56
Lord accept the gifts we offer
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
Lord Dismiss 139
Lord Dismiss us with your blessing
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
Lord God Almighty 16
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Lord is my Shepherd, The 116
His goodness shall follow me always / My shepherd is the Lord / The Lord is my shepherd / The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want
Based on: Psalm 23
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
Lord's is the Earth, The 40
Seek the face of the Lord and yearn for him / The Lord's is the earrth and its fullness
Based on: Psalm 24
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Loving Shepherd of thy Sheep 247
See loving shepherd of your sheep, the holy, the holy bread of angels
Number of verses: 4
Magnify and Glorify 248
Magnify and glory, extoll and exhault the Lord
Number of verses: 1
Man is Lonely by Birth 249
Man is lonely by birth, man is only a pilgrim on earth
Number of verses: 4
Man of Sorrows Wrapt of Grief 197
Man of sorrows wrapt of grief, bend thine ear to our relief
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
Mary Had a Baby 179
Mary had a baby, yes my Lord
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Mary Let Perpetual Succour 301
Mary let perpetual succour be the answer to our prayer / Ever ready help hast thou
Number of verses: 5
Mary's Boy Child 180
Long time ago in Bethlehem / Hark now hear the angels sing
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Most Ancient of all Mysteries 250
Most ancient of all mysteries, before thy throne we lie
Number of verses: 5
Must I Go and Empty Handed 140
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
My God Accept my Heart This Day 251
My God accept my heart this day and make it wholly thine
Number of verses: 5
My God How Wonderful Thou Art 252
My God how wonderful thou art, thou majesty how bright
Number of verses: 7
My God I Love Thee 198
My God I love you - thou there were no heaven for me to win
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Lent
My God Loves Me 141
My God loves me, and all the wonders I see
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
My Soul give Thanks to the Lord 94
Based on: Psalm 102
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
My Soul is Longing for Your Peace 253
My soul is longing for your peace / Lord you know that my heart is not proud
Based on: Psalm 131
Number of verses: 5
My Times are in Your Hand 254
My times are in Thy hand, my God I wish them there
Number of verses: 5
Nearer my God to Thee 199
Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Lent
New Praises be Given 212
New praises be given to Christ newly crowned
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Now Thank we all our God 142
Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
Now that the Day Star Glimmers 255
Now that the day-star glimmers brightly, we suppliantly pray
Number of verses: 6
Now the Day is Over 131
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Recessional
O Bread of heaven 95
O Bread of heaven beneath this veil
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
O Come all ye Faithful 181
O come all ye faithful / O come let us adore him
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
O Come and Mourn with me Awhile 200
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Lent
O Come thou Wisdom whose decree 161
O Come thou Wisdom whose decree, does govern all things peacefully / Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Advent
O Come to the Throne of Grace 302
O come to the throne of grace / O Lady of Nigeria, hail
Number of verses: 2
O Esca Viatorum 329
O esta viatorum, o panus angelorum
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 3
O Food of Angels Now Food for Men 96
O food of angels, now food for men / Jesus to his people
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Communion
O Give Thanks to the Lord 97
O give thanks to the Lord for he is Good
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
O Give the Lord 57
Bring to the Lord your offerings / O give the Lord you sons of the Lord
Based on: Psalm 29
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Offertory
O God of Earth and Altar 263
Bow down and hear our cry, our earthly rulers falter
Number of verses: 3
O God of Love O King of Peace 143
O God of Love O king of peace
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
O God our Help in Ages Past 144
O God our help in ages past
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Recessional
O God Thy People Gather 24
O God Thy people gather obedient to thy word
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
O God you are my Strength 25
O God you are my strength, why have you rejected me?
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Entrance
O Godhead Hid Devoutly I Adore Thee  98
O Godhead Hid Devoutly I Adore Thee
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Communion
O Happy Day that Fixed my Choice 257
O happy day that fixed my choice / Happy day! Happy day! When Jesus washed my sins away
Number of verses: 4
O Holy Lord by all Adored 351
O Holy Lord by all adored, our trespasses confessing
Number of verses: 2
O Jesus Christ Remember 282
O Jesus Christ remember, when you will come again
Number of verses: 3
O Jesus we Adore Thee 100
O Jesus we adore thee / O Sacrament Most Holy O sacrament divine
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
O King of Kings 258
O King of Kings in splendour of glory throned on high / Our holy Father shielding,
Number of verses: 5
O King of Might and Splendour 93
O King of Might and Splendor, creator most adored
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Communion
O Little Town of Bethlehem 182
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
O Lord I am Worthy 99
O Lord I am worthy, that thou should come to me
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Communion
O Maid Conceived without a Stain 303
O maid conceived without a stain / Hail Mary ever undefiled
Number of verses: 2
O Paradise, O Paradise 312
O paradise, O paradise, who doth not crave for rest / When loyal hearts and true
Number of verses: 5
O Perfect Love 259
O perfect love all human thought transcending
Number of verses: 3
O Purest of Creatures 304
O purest of creatrues, sweet mother, sweet maid
Number of verses: 5
O Sacrament Most Holy 102
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
O Sacred Heart 283
Number of verses: 6
O Salutorus Hostia 330
O Salutorus hostia, quae coeli pandis ostium
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 2
O Sanctissma 331
O Sanctissma, piissima
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 5
O Sing a New Song to the Lord 58
Bring an offering and enter his courts / O Sing a new song to the Lord
Based on: Psalm 96
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Offertory
O Sing Praises to God most high 145
O sing praises, O sing praises to God most high / O sing praises, o sing praises
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
O the Love of My Lord 357
O the love of my Lord is the essence / Is as gentle as silence
Number of verses: 3
Once in Royal David's City 183
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Once More my Soul 101
Once more my soul, thy saviour through thy word / I will, I will, I will, God helping me I will
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Open your Hearts 26
Open your hearts and let the Lord come in
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Our Father (Caribbean) 260
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Number of verses: 4
Our Lord is risen from the dead 213
Our Lord is risen from the dead / Who is the king of Glory?
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Pange Lingua Gloriosi 332
Pange Lingua Gloriosi, Corporis Mysterium
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 4
Parce Domine 333
Parce Domine, parce populo tu o
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 1
Pass me not O Gentle Saviour 103
Pass me not O gentle savour / Saviour, saviour, hear my humble cry
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Praise God of Abraham 146
Praise God of Abraham the Heavenly King
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
Praise Him When the Sun Goes Down 42F
Praise him, praise him, praise him in the morning /
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Praise my Soul 27
Praise my Soul the King of heaven
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Praise the Holy of Holies 42E
Fields full of flowers and woods full of pine / All the heavens and all th earth
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Praise the Lord in heaven 147
Based on: Psalm 150
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Recessional
Praise the Lord you Heavens 148
Praise the Lord you heavens adore him
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Recessional
Praise to the Holiest in the Height 104
Praise to the holiest in the height
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Communion
Praise to the Lord the Almighty 28
Praise to the Lord the Almighty the king of creation
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Praise we our God with Joy 261
Praise we our God with joy and gladness never-ending
Number of verses: 3
Precious Promise 262
Precious promise God hath given / I will guide thee, I will guide thee
Number of verses: 4
Queen of Heaven Rejoice 305
Queen of heaven rejoice / Alleluia
Number of verses: 4
Revive us Again 105
We praise thee O God for the son of thy love / Alleluia, thine the glory, alleluia, amen.
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Rock of Ages 106
Rock of ages, cleft for me
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Said the Lord 87
If we eat of the Lord and we drink of the Lord
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
Saint Patrick 264
Great and glorious St Patrick / Hibernia's champion saint all hail
Number of verses: 4
Salve Mater Misericordiae 334
Salve Mater misericordiae, Mater Dei et Mater veniae / Salve Mater
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 6
Salve Regina 335
Salve Regina mater misericordiae
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 2
See Amid the Winter's Snow 184
Hail thou ever blessed morn / See amid the winter's snow
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
See the Church 29
See the church assembed here
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Entrance
See the Paraclete Descending 214
See the paraclete descending, buring with celestial fire / Let us, alleluia singing, offer him grateful lays
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Seeking Heaven Alone 313
One thought only have we / Seeking Heaven along brings true happiness
Number of verses: 6
Sent Forth by God's Blessing 149
Sent forth by God's blessing, our true faith confessing
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Recessional
Sermon on the Mount 107
Blessed are the poor in spirit / On that mountain, Jesus talking with us
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
Shout from the Highest Mountain 30
Shout from the highest mountain the glory of the Lord / For all the good things the Lord has done for us
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Silent Night 185
Silent night, holy night
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Sing a new Song 31
Sing a new song to the Lord of the world
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Entrance
Sing to God all People 33
Sing to God all people, serve him with joy
Based on: Psalm 100
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Sing with Joy the Saviour's Glory 108
Men and angels sing in chorus / Sing with joy the saviour's glory
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Sleep Holy Babe 186
Sleep holy babe upon thy mother's breast
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Sole Hope of all the World and Lord 201
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Lent
Song of Peace - We Pray for Golden Peace 246
Lord we pray for golden peace / Banish fear and ignorance
Number of verses: 3
Song of Trust 352
Of how much more value are you than these / Look at the sparrow, he neither sows or reaps
Number of verses: 5
Sons of God 109
Sons of God hear his holy word / Brothers, sisters we are one
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
Soul of my Saviour 110
Soul of my saviour, sanctify my breast
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Spirit of God 215
Spirit of God in the clear running water / Fill the earth, bring it to birth
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
St Joseph 256
Number of verses: 3
Stand up and Sing to the Lord 34
Stand up and sing to the Lord / Praise the Lord from the heavens
Based on: Psalm 148
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Entrance
Stand up Stand Up for Jesus 35
Stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Standing on the Promises of Christ my King 353
Standing on the promises of Christ my King / Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my saviour
Number of verses: 5
Sweet Heart of Jesus 285
Sweet heart of Jesus, font of love and mercy / Sweet heart of Jesus we implore
Number of verses: 3
Sweet Sacrament Divine 111
Sweet sacrament divine, hid in your earthly home
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Sweet Saviour Bless us 'Ere we Go 150
Sweet saviour bless us 'ere we go / Through life's long day and death's dark journey
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Recessional
Take me as I am 112
Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry / And take me as I am, and take me as I am
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
Take my Hands 59
Take my hands and Make them as your own
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
Take our Bread 60
Take our bread, we ask you take our hearts / Yours as we stand at the table you set
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Offertory
Tangum Ergo 336
Tangum ergo sacramentu
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 2
Taste and see that the Lord is good 113
Taste and see that the Lord is good / Sing to the Lord with me
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
Ten Lepers 265
Ten unclean and nowhere to go / Ten men, lepers in a Hebrew town
Number of verses: 4
Thank You 151
Thank you for giving me the morning
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Recessional
The Blessed Sacrament 114
Come let's share in the banquet of the Lord / Eat the bread and drink the wine
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
The Lord's my Sheperd 117
The Lord's my shepherd I'll not want, he makes me down to lie
Based on: Psalm 23
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
The Mass is Ended 152
The Mass is ended all go in peace
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
There is a Home Eternal 314
There is a home eternal beautiful and bright / Home, beautiful home
Number of verses: 3
There's a Call comes Ringing 118
There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave / Send the light, the blessed gospel light
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
This is my Body 119
This is my body given for your freedom / This is my body given for your freedom
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
This is the Day 41
This is the day that the Lord has made  / Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia is our song of joy
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
Thy Kingdom Come 42
The kingdom comes: yea bid it come
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Entrance
To Christ the Prince of Peace 286
To Christ the prince of peace and son of God most high
Number of verses: 6
To Jesus' Heart all Burning 287
To Jesus' Heart all Burning / While ages course along, blest be with louder song
Number of verses: 5
To Thee O Heart of Jesus 288
To thee o heart of Jesus, to thee our hearts we give / Yes, yes, 'til life is o'er
Number of verses: 2
To Win my Heart 306
To win my heart with visions bright and fair / The cherubim, the cherubim
Number of verses: 5
To You O Lord 316
Yes I shall arise and return to my Father / To You O Lord I lift up my soul
Number of verses: 10
Today He's Risen From the Dead 216
Today he's risen, death no more shall bind him to the grave / Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Trust and Obey 61
When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word / Trust and obey for there is no other way
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Offertory
Unto Us is Born a Son 188
Unto us is born a son, king of squires supernal
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christmas
Veni Creator Spiritus 337
Veni Creator Spiritus, mentes tuorum Vista
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 7
Veni Jesu Amor Mi 338
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 2
Vexilla Regis 339
Vexilla Regis prodeunt
Key: Latin
Number of verses: 7
We are Going with Jesus 355
We are going with Jesus walking together, over the path he has trod
Number of verses: 3
We are One in Jesus 268
We are one in Jesus all of us are one
Number of verses: 3
We are Your Bread Now 120
We are your bread now, He is our life now; / With one heart and one voice, we sing to him we know
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Communion
We Bring our Gifts Lord 62
We bring our gifts Lord, bread and wine
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offertory
We Fly to thy Protection 308
We fly to thy protection, we fly to thy patronage
Number of verses: 1
We Gather Together 63
We gather together to sing the Lord's praises
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
We Long for You O Lord 121
Number of verses: 7
Recommended uses: Communion
We Long to See Thee So 163
We long to see thee so / O come, O come, O come
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Advent
We Offer Thee the Holy Mass 64
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
We Offer you O Father Above 65
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offertory
We Stand for God 153
We stand for God and for his glory / Strengthen our faith Redeemer
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Recessional
We Three Kings 189
We three kings of Orient are
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Christmas
Wedding Banquet, The 267
A certain man held a feast / I cannot come to the banquet
Number of verses: 4
What a Blessed Hope is Mine 67A
What a blessed hope is mine / He will my soul defend
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Offertory
What a Friend we have in Jesus 289
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear
Number of verses: 3
What Did He Do 122
O Listen to a wondrous story / Who saved us from eternal loss?
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
What Happiness 123
What happiness can equal mine
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Communion
What Have we to Offer Him 67
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Offertory
Whatsoever You do to the Least of my Brothers 124
Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers / When I was hungry you gave me to eat
Number of verses: 8
Recommended uses: Communion
When he Comes Back 164
When he comes back, when he comes back / The master has promised that he will return
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Advent
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 202
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
Where Two or Three are Gathered 154
Where two or three are gathered together for my sake / If you come to eat, if you come to play
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
While Shepherd Watched their Flocks by Night 190
Number of verses: 6
Recommended uses: Christmas
Whosoever Will 354
"Whosoever heareth," Shout, shout the sound / Whosoever will, Whosoever will, send the proclamation over vale and hill
Number of verses: 3
Wonderful is your Handiwork 155
When I look at the work of your hands / Lord, our Lord, glorious is your name
Based on: Psalm 8: 1-4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Recessional
Would we be Joyful in the Lord 356
Would we be joyful in the Lord, then count the riches over / There is pardon, peace and power
Number of verses: 5
Ye Sons and Daughters 217
Alleuyah, alleuya, alleuya / Ye sons and daughters of the Lord
Number of verses: 12
Recommended uses: Easter and Pentecost
Yes Heaven is the Prize 315
Yes heaven is the prize, my soul shall strive to gain / Tis heaven, tis heaven
Number of verses: 5
Yet I Believe 269
I believe God lay sleeping in the tomb / I believe man was born to die
Number of verses: 4
You are my People 125
You are my people, I am your God / Lord we are thirsty, walkin' thro this desert land
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Communion
You are the Honour 309
You are the honour, you are the glory of your people / You are the glory of Jerusalem
Number of verses: 6
Zacchaeus 270
There was a man in Jericho called Zaccheus / The Lord went walking one day
Number of verses: 3

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  1. This brought me back to home :)

  2. I love my faith... brings me close to my birth parish... St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ajegunle,Apapa,Lagos-Nigeria.

  3. Can't I download this and have it on my personal phone? Please if you have got the link for downloading this inform me. Thanks!

  4. How can I get a hymn I composed to appear in the hymn book

  5. This page makes me miss my parish more and more.

  6. This is nice. Although more hymns have been added to the hymn and we have a tonic solfa edition
